6 — Interaction of radiation with material, detection of radiation Flashcards
Write the formula describing the attenuation of gamma or X-ray radiation in an absorbing material.
What is the definition of the attenuation coefficient of a material or gamma or X-ray and what is its SI unit?
How does the intensity of α-radiation change as a function of the distance from the radiation source?
Why are alpha and beta (-) radiations called directly ionizing radiations?
Why do we call gamma radiation and X-rays indirectly ionizing radiation?
Compare the path of alpha- and beta(-) particles passing through an absorbing material.
What kind of radioactive radiations can be detected by a GM-counter?
What is the basic principle of operation of a photomultiplier tube?
What is the basic operation principle of ionization detectors?
What is the principle of detection of radioactive radiation by a scintillation detector?
List the radioactive radiations in order of increasing penetrability.