12 — Diffusion Flashcards
What is the definition of chemical potential?
Define the frictional force (Ff) acting on a molecule with velocity v in an aqueous environment.
What is the relationship between the absolute temperature (T) and the average kinetic energy of a molecule (Ekin) in a system containing monoatomic gas in thermal equilibrium?
What is diffusion?
What is the physical meaning of the diffusion constant?
What is the unit of diffusion constant?
Give the average squared displacement of a particle with diffusion constant D.
Write Fick’s first law and interpret the constants and physical quantities.
How does the diffusion constant (D) depend on temperature (T) and the radius (r) of a spherical molecule?
Write down the equation describing the relationship between the diffusion constant (D) and the form factor (f).
Which parameters tend toward spatial equilibrium during a diffusion process?
Write down van’t Hoff’s law for dilute solutions.
What is osmosis?
What is the osmotic pressure?