3 — Absorption, luminescence, lasers Flashcards
What is monochromatic light?
What kind of special characteristics does laser light have?
List the types of interactions laser light can have with tissues.
When is electromagnetic radiation coherent?
What basic phenomena is the generation of laser emission based on?
What is the approximate coherence length of a laser and that of a classical light source?
Align in ascending order the following transitions according to their energy difference: vibrational, rotational, and electronic.
Write the Lambert-Beer law and interpret the variables in the formula.
What does the molar extinction coefficient depend on?
How many fold does the intensity of light decreases if the absorbance (optical density, extinction) of a solution is 1?
What is the definition of the molar extinction coefficient?
At what wavelength are the characteristic absorption maxima of proteins and nucleic acids?
Which amino acids have reasonably high absorption?
What is the definition of a singlet and a triplet state?
What are the possible ways of relaxation of an excited electron in a molecule? (List at least 5 of them)