6: Connecting and Communicating in the Modern World Flashcards
help that you receive from people in your social network in the form of emotional, instrumental, informational, and appraisal support
social support
people you know who can provide social support when needed
social network
collective value of all the people in your social network and the likelihood of those people providing social support when you need it
social capital
mutually rewarding face-to-face contacts
relational connectedness
feeling that you are part of a community or a group
collective connectedness
a relationship that makes you feel that who you are is affirmed
intimate connectedness
relationships with family members, friends, and romantic partners, characterized by behavioral independence, need fulfillment, emotional attachment and emotional availability
intimate relationships
accepting responsibility for personal decisions, choices, and actions
developing individual potential through a balanced and realistic appreciation of self-worth and ability
people who are present in the household during a child’s first years of life (parents and siblings) - first models for relationships
family of origin
a relationship that combines intimacy, compassion, and commitment
consummate love
sharing feelings or personal information with others (intimate relationships)
unwritten or unspoken messages, both intentional and unintentional
nonverbal communication
emotional state that arises when opinions differ or the behavior of one person interferes with the behavior of another
concerted effort by all parties to constructively resolve differences or points of contention
conflict resolution