5b Flashcards
before,, when we were looking at the distance between the nuc and the e- in that graph,, we were looking at how many e-
we were looking at the distance between the nuc and 1e-.
there were no interactions with other e-.
the axis were z up,, x going right and y going towards us.
from now,, when we draw the graph xyz graph away from the nuc,, we think of how many e-
we think of 2 e-
we therefore need to think of the effects they will have on eachother!! and how the movement of one affects the movement of the other.
for H-,, what is Z
for He,, what is Z
what do we need to solve majority of the time
where Y is the wavefunction
E is energy
xyz nuc graph,, what is r1, r2, and r12
r1 = distance between nuc and e1-
r2 = distance between nuc and e2-
r12 = distance between both e-. between e1- and e2-!!!
what does H equal for complex atoms,, atoms with more than 1e-!! and what does each thing mean + what do we forget about bc its constant
H = T.nuc + SUM.T.el + SUM.V.nuc-el + V.el-el
Tnuc= change in nuc’s kinetic energy : nuc is so heavy we can ignore this bc the e- just follow it around anyways.
Tel = kinetic energy of moving e-.
Vel-el = potential of the electrons = r12
what does Tel equal to
kinetic energy of electron.
(-h2 / 2me) x (1/V2)
what does V.nuc-el mean
potential between the nuc and the e-! negative number bc as they get closer the energy decreases bc opposites attract and its more stable.
-Ze^2 / 4nEr1
n = pi
E = Eo = vacuum permeability
e = charge on an e-.
r1 = e1- –> nuc distance.
Z = nuclear charge
what does V.el-el
potential between the 2e-‘s.
+ number bc the closer the 2 e-‘s get to eachother,, the more unstable things are bc theyre the same charges: theres repulsion etc.
+e^2 / 4nEr12
e = e- charge
n = pi
E = vacuum permeability
r12 = distance between e1 and e2
Y in HY=EY when theres 2 e-
Y(x1,y1,z1, x2, y2, z2)
Y(r, sigma. gama, r2, sigma2, gama2)
the gama is like a circle with a line running up to down.
what is Y + how many dimensions is it when theres 2 e- and why.
the probability of what both e-s are doing
it has 6 dimensions when there are 2e-.
bc each e- can move in 3 dimensions: x y z
approx waefunction gives us
the approx energy
approx schrodinger equation
HYapprox = E.approx x Y.approx
what does Y.approx give us + what do we do with it
gives us an approximation for an orbital.
an orbital approx.
we break down the 6D –> 2x(3D)
so Yapprox = (Y=Y1 x Y2)
gives Y1(x,y,z)
what is an orbital in terms of wavefunctions
an orbital is a 1e- wavefunction
ground state of He configuration + its wavefunction
Y(1,2) = Y(1s) x Y(1s)
what spin do e- have + how do we know they have spins
they have intrinsic spins
we know this from the stern experiment when an e- was either curved up or down due to their spin.