2c - w (IR // vibrational spec) Flashcards
gross selection rule for vibrational spec
u need a fluctuating electric dipole during a vibration
specific selection rule for vibrational spec
change v = +-1.
what do we assume in vib // ir spec
that the molecule is vibrating and rotating simultaneously.
v = what and its allowed values
vibrational quatum number
0,1,2,3,4 etc
is vibrational energy or rotational energy larger
vibrational energy is larger than rotational energy.
rot, vib, electronic!!
each one has sublevels of the other.
when we think of vibrational spec / IR spec,, what should we think about
harmonic oscillator!! an anharmonic oscillator.
describe a harmonic oscillator
u shape.
energy on y axis (cm-1)
internuc distance // r on x axiS
what is r eq in a simple harmonic oscillator
the equilibrium bond length// distance
aka the bond length
what is a bond
a combo of attractive ( nuc and e-) and repulsive forces (e- and e-)
when a bond is stretched // compressed what is disrupted
the attractive // repulsive forces
energy is needed to disrupt themmm
compression and extention of bonds equation hooks law
f = - k (r - req)
restoring force = - force constant( bond distance - equilibrium force distance)
r - req = extent of distortion
equation for energy of system related to distortion
E = 1/2 k ( r - req)^2
aka the larger the distortion,, the larger the enrgy of the system.
req = equilibrium bond length.
r=. bond length when its distorted.
vibrational freq,, w is dependent on what
the force constant and reduced mass
to go from Hz to cm-1 what do we do
divide by C ,, speed of light.
w (Hz) = 1/2pi root( k/ red mass) Hz
w (cm-1) = 1/2 pi c root( k / redmass) cm-1
aka a higher energy syste can still oscillate at the same freq,, w, , bc w depends on k and redmass. its independent to distortion.
vibrational energy levels are whattt + the equation
theyre quantised according to the schrodinger equation
Ev = Ev/hc = (v+1/2) w(cm-1)
in cm-1
energy of vibrational level 0 =
E0 = w(0+1/2) = 1/2w-(cm-1)
this tells us that even at the lowest vib energy level,, the molecule still vibrates!!!!
zero point energy: still has vib energy in the lowest vib state.
its always trying to balance the attractive and repulsive forces in a bond.
energy of vib energy level 1
E1 = w(1+1/2) = 1.5w
in rot spec: J = 0 has how much enrgy
J = 0 = 0 energy
its zero point energy = J=1
simple harmonic specific selection rule
change v = +-1
Ev –> Ev+1
= w{(v+1) 1/2} - w{(v+1/2)}
= higher enrgy level bc v+1 - lower energy level bc just v
vibrational energy levels are spaced out equally with what value
with w,, transition energy is the same for all harmonic oscillations.
position of allowed transition v- spec (cm-1) = w-(cm-1)
what is needed for smt to be ir active aka have a vibrational spec
needs a dipole
so it must be a heteronuclear diatomic as these have dipoles
in a simple harmonic oscillator,, describe the graph and how it changes + why this isnt a real representation of a bond
okay so simple harmonic is just the U graph however on the x axis we have r,, the centre of the U parabola is the req,, aka equilibrium bond length,, the sides of the parabola are said to distort further away from this as frequency// energy increases.
this isnt a real representation as bonds will break if the bond length is distorted too much
whats a better way of describing a bond using a graph
anharmonic oscillator /// morse curve.
fancy v type shape
vibrational energy reaches a plateau at large ‘r’ value.
whats Deq
Dissociation energy in a morse curve // anharmonic oscillator.
from plateau to very bottom of the graph (even tho no molecule are present here bc bc molecules are always cibrating and trying to balance repulsive and attractive forces).
Deq equation
[1- exp(-a(r-req))] ^2
in an anharmonic curve// as u increase frequency what happens + what equation do we use
the vibrational energy levels get closer together
due to the correction factor having ^2,,, this makes the gaps smaller as the correction factor has a larger influence on the vibrational energy level as u increase energy
Ev = (v+1/2)we - (v+1/2)^2 we xe
we = anharmonic equilibrium oscillating frequency
xe= anharmonicity constant no units
wexe = anharmonicity wavenumber
whats Do
like Deq but better bc its the energy gap between the plateue of the morse curve and v=0 )where atoms accccc are)
from lowest vib state to plateau.
is Deq accurate
nope it hypothetical bc zero point energy is v=0 not the bottom of the graph.
moelcules always have vibrational energy.