5.4 Viral diseases Flashcards
State the main symptoms of measles?
red skin rash
Why is measles now rare in the UK?
improved living standards (less overcrowding) have reduced spread of disease by droplet infection,
vaccination programme for babies and children has reduced pool of infection
Describe the links between HIV and AIDS?
HIV is virus that causes AIDS.
Explain why untreated HIV is usually fatal?
HIV attacks immune cells, causing only a mild, flu-like illness initially.
Without treatment the virus remains hidden after initial mild illness,
damaging the immune system to the extent that it cannot defend the body against infections and certain cancers.
These diseases kill the patient
Measles can cause …
brain damage
can be fatal if complications arise
Is there a treatment for measles?
What are the factors that effect the time between the infection of HIV and the onset of the final stages of AIDS?
Level of nutrition
overall heath of the person
access to antiretroviral drugs
Is there treatment for viral diseases?
How is HIV spread?
Through exchange of bodily fluids
Is there a cure for HIV?
No cure, no vaccination
How can the spread of HIV be prevented?
- using condoms
not sharing needles
screening blood used for transfusions
What does antiretroviral drugs do for HIV patients if they are started as soon as possible after infection?
prevent the development of AIDS for many years and give HIV positive people an almost normal life expectancy
What is Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
Its a widespread plant pathogen that affects 150 species of plants (including tomato and tobacco plants)
It causes a mosaic pattern of discolouration on the leaves as the virus destroys the cells.
What are the effects of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)
- the growth of the plant is affected
- leaves don’t photosynthesis
- can reduce the yield of a crop
How does Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) spread?
through contact eg. the infected plants touches a healthy plant
- insects act as vectors
How long can Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) remain infectious in the soil?
for 50 years
How can Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV) be treated?
can’t there is no treatment but farmers can now grow TMV resistant strains of many crops.
How can farmers help prevent the spread of Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV)?
- good hygiene
- good pest control