5.4 Motivating staff in leisure Flashcards
What are the 4 types of management/leadership styles?
Lassie faire
What is an autocratic manager/leader?
An authoritarian leadership style is being used when a leader dictates policies and procedures, decides what goals are to be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates. This leader has full control of the team, leaving low autonomy within the group.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of an autocratic manager/leader.
The advantages of being an autocratic leader are that: it can provide a strong motivational leader, when there is any decision making: in planning or organizing need no initiative, quick decisions are made because one person decides for the whole group.
The disadvantages of an autocratic leader are: people often don’t like this style if it is negative, projects will not show creativity because often mangers are poor motivators.
What is a paternalistic manager/leader?
The way a paternalistic leader works is by acting as a father figure by taking care of their subordinates as a parent would. In this style of leadership the leader supplies complete concern for his followers or workers.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages a paternalistic manager/leader?
The advantages of being a paternalistic leader are that: feedback is invited which improves the teams morale, rewards are given out for good behaviour so the team members have an incentive to do well, they will become involved and contribute good ideas.
The disadvantages of being a paternalistic leader are that: the here can be low motivation if a loyal connection is not made between management and the workers, the dependency of employees on the leader will require more supervision, if there is any dissatisfaction among the team members will lead to bad decisions being made.
What is democratic manager/leader?
Democratic leadership, also known as participative leadership, is a type of leadership style in which members of the group take a more participative role in the decision-making process
Give a few advantages and disadvantages a democratic manager/leader?
The advantages of being a democratic leader are that: all of the team members combine their skills and all ideas are taken into consideration, communication is unbarred and makes issues addressable, it creates a very positive work environment, workers are encouraged and there is a lot of shared responsibility.
The disadvantages of being a democratic leader are that: not all leaders full adopt being completely democratic and if everyone is giving their ideas and they all need to be considered it can be a long process to make any decisions.
What is a lassie faire manager/leader?
Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegative leadership, is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions. Researchers have found that this is generally the leadership style that leads to the lowest productivity among group members
Give a few advantages and disadvantages a lassie faire manager/leader?
The advantages of being a Laissez Faire leader are that: there is no work for the leader, the frustration of the workers may lead to a new and better leader running the group, and it allows creative / visionaries to do what they want without being limited.
The disadvantages of being a Laissez Faire leader are that: there is a low group satisfaction which means that there is less productivity within the group, a poor quality of work, less personal growth and the jobs that the leader doesn’t do will fall onto people who are less competent or become uncompleted.
What is target setting?
Goal setting is a mental training technique that can be used to increase an individual’s commitment towards achieving a personal goal. Having a short or long term goal can encourage an individual to work harder, to be more focused on the task and to overcome setbacks more easily.
How and why do leisure organisations set targets?
- Can motivate staff
- Gives people S.M.A.R.T targets to work towards which makes the company work smoothly and efficiently
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of setting targets.
- Advantage; helps an employee to better focus on the elements that create success
- Advantage; When the employee is involved in the goal setting process, he takes a personal interest in achieving that goal.
- Disadvantage; Goals that are not properly crafted can become demotivating
Give a few advantages and disadvantages to the employer/ employee of award schemes.
- motivates staff to work harder
- healthy competition between workers
- employee retention
- can lead those under an incentive scheme to feel unappreciated or the recipients of unfair treatment.
- can be expensive for the business
What is recognition?
Employee recognition is a return on an employee’s effort, dedication at work and results. It is governed by mutual respect and is expressed regularly through a host of simple gestures such as a sincere thank you, as well as symbolically through the receiving of an award.
How do employers recognise hard work within the leisure organisation?
non finacial
- Employee of the month
- Job rotation
- Promotion
- Job enlargement
- Fear
- Award schemes
- Team working
- Fringe Benefits
- Bonus scheme
- Pay rise
- PRP (Performance related pay) (Profit related pay)
- Overtime
- Profit sharing
- Time rate
- Salary
What is an appraisal and why are they used?
A performance appraisal , is a (career) development discussion, or employee appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated.
they are used to improve working methods, work on weaknesses and strengths
giving regular feedback to the employee and employer
keeps them incontact
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of appraisals.
- Performance improvement
- Development of employees
- Corrective actions
- Career planning
- Promotions
- Motivation
Potential for Inaccuracy different Interpretation with somone you don't like only negative demotivating not needed
What is team working?
Teamwork is generally understood as the willingness of a group of people to work together to achieve a common aim.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of team working
Team members have the opportunity to learn from each other.
New approaches to tasks may be discovered.
suporrt for team members
Some individuals are not compatible with team work.
Conflict may develop between team members
may not work to full potenial
What is job rotation?
Job rotation is where employees move around jobs within a business or company so they are no longer bored. The employees doing this will usually all be at the same skill level.The objective is to expose the employees to different experiences and wider variety of skills to enhance job satisfaction and to cross-train them.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of job rotation
- Members of staff do not get bored.
- By moving employees around, the company develops more workers with skills in each area.
- Employee Development
- Job rotation is sometimes met with resistance from employees in certain situations.
- A job rotation strategy comes with costs/ training
What is job enlargement?
Job enlargement is an increase in the roles and responsibilities in the same job without being promoted or a salary increase.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of job enlargement
- Advantage: Learn New Skills
- Advantage: Reduce Boredom
- Advantage: Receive Recognition
- Advantage: Employee Motivation
- Disadvantage: Increased Workload
- Disadvantage: Poor Performance, from lack of interest, skill or lack of training.
What is staff development?
Staff development can be viewed as the activities and programs that help staff members learn about responsibilities, develop required skills as the job can change or the employee can improve.
What is staff training?
Training to improve the performance or knowledge of the employees or workforce.
What are the different training methods employers use?
On and off the job training/ inductions and shadow shifts.
What is on the job training?
On-the-job training is a form of training taking place in a normal working situation.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of on the job training.
- Generally most cost-effective
- Employees are actually productive
- Opportunity to learn whilst doing
- Training alongside real colleagues
- Quality depends on ability of trainer and time available
- Bad habits might be passed on
- Learning environment may not be conducive
- Potential disruption to production
What is off the job training?
Off-the-job training method also involves employee training at a site away from the actual work environment. It often utilizes lectures, case studies, role playing and simulation.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of off the job training.
- A wider range of skills or qualifications can be obtained
- Can learn from outside specialists or experts
- Employees can be more confident when starting job
- More expensive – e.g. transport and accommodation
- Lost working time and potential output from employee
- New employees may still need some induction training
- Employees now have new skills/qualifications and may leave for better jobs
What is promotion?
A promotion refers to the advancement of an employee’s rank or position in a hierarchical structure.
What is included in staff development?
Staff development policy should be directed toward the following objectives:
- Clarify expectations for the continued professional education of each staff member
- Specify the options available for staff improvement
- Make clear the connection between continuous professional development and institutional rewards
- Ensure adequate funding for staff development activities
- Purposefully determine staff development activities based upon a careful assessment of staff member needs
- Employ accepted methods of teaching and learning in staff development activities
What is remuneration?
Reward for employment in the form of pay, salary, or wage, including allowances, benefits (such as company car, medical plan, pension plan), bonuses, cash incentives, and monetary value of the noncash incentives.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of remuneration.
- Motivation
- Draw in new experienced workers
- Encourage competition amongst your staff
- Increased productivity
- Expensive
- May not motivate all employees
- Jealously between staff
What is an incentive?
A thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something.
What two main types of incentives are there?
- Financial
2. Non financial
Types of financial incentives.
- Bonus scheme
- Pay rise
- PRP (Performance related pay) (Profit related pay)
- Overtime
- Profit sharing
- Time rate
- Salary
What is a bonus scheme?
A payment made to an employee over and above their standard salary or compensation package . Bonuses are one of the ways employers reward their employees for a job well done.
What is a pay rise?
An increase in the amount of money you earn for doing your job.
What is Performance related pay?
A financial reward system for employees where some or all of their compensation is related to how their performance is assessed relative to stated criteria. Performance related pay can be used in a business context for how an individual, a team or the entire company performs during a given time frame.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of performance related pay
- May attract well skilled employees
- Motivates employees
- Supports the culture of organisation, existing values, and innovation
- Setting the agreed upon targets can be time consuming
- Expensive for the business
- Jealous employees
What is profit related pay/ profit sharing?
Profit related pay is a part of salary which is linked to the profits of a company. It may be paid to an employee free of tax.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of profit related pay
Advantages of profit sharing
- Brings employees together to work towards a common goal. Their sole aim will be the success of the company.
- Motivation levels will be high.
- The employee focus will be on profitability.
- Increases commitment to the organization among the employees.
- Promotes the well-being of the employee.
Disadvantages of profit sharing
- The salaries of the individual employees go up equally, not on the basis of merit or promotion.
- In the case of smaller companies the drastic fluctuations in the earnings of company’s employees may affect the personal earnings of the employees.
- The focus of the employee may be on the profit rather than on quality
What is piece rate?
Wage determination system in which the employee is paid for each unit of production at a fixed rate.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of of a piece rate
- Motivates staff to work harder
- Higher production rates
- Cost effective
- Low quality work
- Harder to calculate the wages
- Low employee satisfaction because they aren’t being paid for their time
- Low staff retention
What is a fringe benefit?
Something extra (such as vacation time) that is given by an employer to workers in addition to their regular pay; like a car.
What is overtime?
Overtime generally means any work over the basic working hours included in your contract.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of overtime
- extra money
- boosted productivity
- improved customer service
- cannot be guaranteed
- tiring
- staff may feel obliged to do it whether they want to or not
- costs the business extra
- staff cannot rely on overtime
What is time rate?
The time rate system is that system of wage payment in which the workers are paid on the basis of time spent by them in the workplace. Under this system, the workers and employees are paid wages on the basis of the time they have worked rather than the volume of output they have produced.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of time rate
- Easy to calculate wages
- Higher quality products because the workers are not rushing production
- Guaranteed wages for a certain time spent do the job
- No incentive for high efficiency
- Low production
- Difficulty to determine labour cost
- Jealously between employees
What is a salary?
A fixed regular payment, typically paid on a monthly basis but often expressed as an annual sum, made by an employer to an employee.
types of non - financial incentive?
- Employee of the month
- Promotion
- Award schemes
- Team working
- Private health or dental care
- Company cars
- Paid business phone bill
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of non - financial incentives.
- help to motivate
- make staff feel valued by the business
What is employee of the month?
The Employee of the Month is a type of reward program given out by companies (often to encourage the staff to work harder and more productively). It involves recognising employees for achieving excellence in their field, and being the best worker across all fields.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of a promotion
- Motivation
- More money for the employee
- Skilled worker who knows the business
- More hours, stress and expectations
- No new ideas coming into the business
What is a fear scheme?
Using fear to motivate employees to do their job.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of a fear scheme
- It gives the staff motivation to do the job
- Can have instant results
- Cheap
- Low employee retention
- Bad working environment
- Demotivation to do more than the minimum
What is an award scheme?
Reward system refers to all financial and non-financial incentives that an organisation provides for its employees in exchange for the work they perform.’ Rewards schemes may include extrinsic and intrinsic rewards.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of an award scheme
- Identification of the employees work
- Motivation
- Healthy competition between staff
- Increased employee retention
- Expensive
- Resentment between employees
What is team working?
A group of employees that works together on recurring tasks. Work teams are most useful where job content changes frequently and employees with limited skills and a specific set of duties are unable to cope.
Give a few advantages and disadvantages of team working
- Advantage; working in a team can distribute tasks dependant on what skills people have
- Advantage; new and good ideas can be used
- Advantage; motivation to work with different people or as a group
Why do we need to motivate members of staff?
to ensure that they are working to the best of their ability and feel happy with their job and working environment.
how are methods such as job rotation and job enlargement used to motivate staff?
job rotation
- motivates staff in that they are moved around different positions within the organisation to ensure that they are not getting bored as a result of staying in one role all the time.
job enlargement
- motivates staff as they are given more tasks within their current role so that they have more responsibility and feel more valued by the business helping to make them feel more motivated.
how can using fear become a motivating factor?
if employees are constantly under threat of losing their job; they can become motivated to work to the best of their ability in order to maintain their job.
however this method can make staff unhappy and less likely to want to keep their job.