5.3 Employment issues in leisure Flashcards
What is an induction?
An induction programme is the process used within many businesses to welcome new employees to the company and prepare them for their new role.
Why do employers do inductions?
A lot of hard work goes into filling the vacancy or a new role, so it is worth working just as hard to make the new recruit feel welcome, ready to contribute fully and want to stay.
What are the advantages of an induction?
The company will most likely have a higher retention rate from properly inducting employees since the process is your new employees’ first impression of what their jobs and corporate atmosphere will be like.
Individual inductions may work better than group inductions, so you can more quickly bring hires up-to-date on the rules and expectations.
Equipping your hires with this knowledge will also make them more independent as workers.
What are the disadvantages of an induction?
Improper induction can cost your organization by resulting in poor employee retention.
Make mistakes until they get it right, or may take co-workers away from their work to train them with each problem.
This creates a disadvantage in terms of employee efficiency, which may translate into poor company productivity.
What is maternity leave?
Maternity leave is where a woman will have time off work to give birth, have a baby and also look after and bond with the baby. The mother must have 2 weeks off work after giving birth due to the fact that it is law.
What is paternity leave?
Paternity leave is the same as maternity leave however it is for the male. This is where the man will take time off work to spend time with his wife, girlfriend, partner or fiancée and the baby to bond.
How long do both women and men get off for maternity and paternity leave?
For women:
The woman can have time off work before having the baby however not everyone takes this, She must have 2 weeks off work after giving birth to the baby then she is allowed up to a year off work Maternity.
For men:
The man is allowed to have 2 weeks off work straight after the baby is born to spend time with both mother and baby and to also bond. However here there is discussion that men can take the 12 months maternity leave instead of a woman.
How much do women and men get paid for taking maternity and paternity leave?
For women:
0 - 6 months full pay
6 - 9 months half pay
9- 12 months nothing
For men:
2 weeks full pay then back to work however they are looking to bring in that a male can take the whole of the paternity off with the baby so for the same amount of time and pay as the mother can.
What is a grievance procedure?
Grievance procedures are dispute resolution and used by a company to address complaints by employees, suppliers, customers or competitors.
A Grievance procedure provides a hierarchical structure for presenting and settling work place disputes.
Give some example of a grievance procedure.
- May not feel like you fit in the workplace
- May not like the way someone is being or working within the workplace.
How does a grievance procedure work?
- It is a set process so it is understood by all.
- It allows staff to get managers to confront problems officially.
- It is fair to all parties.
- It stops tension in the workplace building.
- It avoids need for arbitration in most cases.
- It is written evidence so if the problem happens again there is an agreed version to refer to.
What are the advantages of a grievance procedure?
- Happier place to work.
- The overall atmosphere will be better.
- You feel a lot safer because you know someone is looking after you.
- More production from the workers may be given.
- Members of staff will stay within the business.
What are the disadvantages of a grievance procedure?
- Could make the tension worse
- If the employee the complaint has filed about or by has to leave the company the business will have to hire someone new
What is meant by sickness and absence?
Sickness and absence is the time an employee takes off work which isn’t holiday. Here they must follow procedures of the business/company in which they work for before they are able to be paid for being off work sick. Many businesses now have a 3 days policy where employees must be off sick or absent for 3 days consecutive before the business or company will start paying them sickness pay. The employee will then need to provide the business or company with a doctors note after 1 week of being off sick.
What is a disciplinary procedure?
A disciplinary procedure is a process for dealing with perceived employee misconduct. Organisations will typically have a wide range of disciplinary procedures to invoke depending on the severity of the transgression. Disciplinary procedures vary between informal and formal processes.
What is misconduct?
Unacceptable or improper behaviour, especially by an employee or professional person.
What is Gross misconduct?
Gross misconduct is the behaviour of an employee within a business or company which is so bad that it destroys the employer and employees relationship with each other this merits instant dismissal without notice or pay in lieu of notice.
What are the advantages of a disciplinary procedure?
- Clearly established guidelines for the conduct, behaviour, and performance of employees.
- Help protect the employer against claims of wrongful or unfair dismissal.
- Improvements in morale among all employees, where equal, fair, and proportionate treatment is applied.
What are the disadvantages of a disciplinary procedure?
take time to put in place
What is annual leave?
The amount of paid holiday that employees are entitled to annually.
What are the current annual leave entitlements?
If you work full time (5 days a week) you are entitled to 5.6 weeks per year. Part time employees annual leave entitlement is worked out according to the hours they work.
What is redundancy?
This is where a business or company no longer needs or wants you for the job role in which you are doing. Also here it also means that there is no more work here for an employee so they need to get rid of them from the business or company.
What are the types of redundancy?
Voluntary redundancy
Compulsory redundancy
What is voluntary redundancy?
Voluntary redundancy is where an employee will volunteer to be made redundant. Voluntary redundancy stops the employer from needing to make other members of staff redundant within the business or company.
Why do people volunteer to being made redundant?
People normally volunteer to be made redundant due to the fact that they are better off leaving the business or because they need to move on and find a new job role.
What is compulsory redundancy?
Redundancy is when you dismiss an employee because you no longer need anyone to do their job.
This might be because the business is:
- Changing what it does
- Doing things in a different way, e.g. using new machinery
- Changing location or closing down
what is constructive dismissal?
Constructive Dismissal is where an employer has committed a serious breach of contract, entitling the employee to resign in response to the employer’s conduct.
What is redeployment?
Redeployment is where a business or company puts an employee somewhere else within the business to work instead of making them redundant.
What are the advantages of redeployment?
- Can be a motivation factor
- Stops the business having to make employees redundant
- Helps bring good workers to other parts of the business
What are the disadvantages of redeployment?
- Not always possible
- Some employees wont want to/ can’t be moved to different departments or different locations.
- Some employees may not have transferable skills
- The company can not redeploy every worker they need to make redundant
What is a dismissal?
Dismissal is when your employer ends your employment.
This could happen in several ways, including if your:
- Employer tells you they are ending your employment, with or without notice
- Employer constructively dismisses you by breaching your employment contract so badly that you are forced to leave
- Fixed-term contract is not renewed
- Constructive dismissal (the changing of an employee’s job or working conditions with the aim of forcing their resignation)
What is gardening leave?
Gardening leave is where an employee is leaving a business or company however the business or company will pay the employee to be unemployed for so long so no information or data is taken from one business to the next.
Why do employers offer gardening leave?
Employees offer gardening leave so no information, data and statistics from the current business or company in which they are in can be taken to another business or company where it will then be stole or used.
What are the advantages of gardening leave?
- Business will not lose out on customers as the employee can not take information to any competitors
- Employee gets paid time off work before they leave
What are the disadvantages of gardening leave?
- Business has to pay the employee for not working
- Employees could have taken information before being put on gardening leave
What is an appraisal?
A carer development discussion or is a method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated.
What are the advantages of appraisals?
- It can be motivating to staff
- The employee will know which strengths and weaknesses to focus on in the future
- The employee can communicate concerns about performance to the employer
- It can identify training or support needs
- They can become aware of any potential issues
What are the disadvantages of appraisals?
- If not done right, they can create a negative experience.
- Performance appraisals are very time consuming and can be overwhelming to managers with many employees.
- They are based on human assessment and are subject to errors and biases.
- Can be a waste of time if not done appropriately.
- They can create a very stressful environment for everyone involved.
What is a notice period?
Notice periods are the time period that is given between the receipt of the letter of dismissals and the end of the last working day of the employees job.
Why are notice periods needed?
To give employers fair notice when an employee wants to leave the business, this ensures that they have time to find someone new and wont be left without the vital staff members.
What are the disadvantages of a notice period?
- Prevents employee from leaving on short notice if an issue occurs
- The employee will become dempotivated and their productivity will decrease.
- It will make the working environment quite unfriendly.
What are restrictive covenants?
It is linked to gardening leave, terms in contract of employment which stops you from working for a competitor or a contact with customers for a period of time after you have left the company.
How long must a business wait to fill a job after they made someone redundant in that job role?
The business can’t put someone in a job which has been made redundant until after a year.