5.4 Flashcards
leading up to Reform in Great Britain
- from the industrial revolution, many industrial leaders wanted MORE POWER (better electoral system)
- so the whigs (*in power and landed class) who saw from the FRENCH REVOLUTION (revolution = bad), they decided on the reform act of 1832
reform act of 1832:
- it was a reaction to the CHANGES from the industrial revolution (*giving INDUSTRIAL CITIES instead of boroughs representation)
- *this brought the INDUSTRIAL MIDDLE class to the landed interests
- the UPPER MIDDLE CLASS benefited (lower class still didn’t have a vote although there were MORE VOTERS)
- this did not change the composition of the HOUSE OF COMMONS
New Reform Legislation:
- before: landowning class put in legislation that halted ABUSES of industrialization
- now with industrial middle class in government, this middle class favored ECONOMIC LIBERALISM (poor law, repeal of corn laws)
Poor Law
instead of HELPING the unemployed, make them 1)“wretched” 2) put them workhouses so that are ENCOURAGED to work
Repeal of Corn Laws
- they wanted to lower bread prices
- aid the industrial middle class (economic liberals) who favored FREE TRADE (free trade = reducing tariffs + competition = happy)
Causes of the Revolutions of 1848
- conservative leaders didn’t respond to problems and desires of people
- the working class radicals and middle class liberals were sure that the metternich system had “outlived its usefulness
- nationalists in italy and germany wanted unification.
- national minorities in austria wanted independence
- unemployment, crop failure, rising price of foods got people wanting change
- they were inspired by the french revolution of 1830
Another French Revolution
- after people got MAD, louis fled france
- a PROVISIONAL (temporary) government was created by MODERATE AND RADICAL REPUBLICANS AND SOCIALISTS and a constitution with UNIVERSAL manhood SUFFRAGE (workshops were created by blanc (socialists) which gave WORK to unemployed)
- then, moderate (support from most of france) and radical republicans (support from working class) started to SPLIT
- also! liberals, socialists, bonapartists vied for power
- with the unemployment rising, they had to close the workshops. people got mad at this and RIOTED
- *a new constitution was created
Second Republic
- the REPUBLIC created after the 2nd french revolution
- this system elected a PRESIDENT which would become napoleon bonaparte (transition to next section)
Revolution in Germanic States
- *leaders in Germanic states (prussia) were forced to PROMISE (people who are excited) LIBERAL reforms (A UNITED GERMANY, allowing elections by universal male suffrage for frankfurt, free press, jury trials)
- there were two assemblies created: frederick (prussia)’s assembly and frankfurt assembly
- end: frankfurt “disbanded” after king of prussia refused to be king
Frankfurt assembly in revolution in germanic states
- purpose: “fulfill a *LIBERAL and nationalist dream - the preparation of a constitution for a new united germany”
- extra:? there were MIDDLE CLASS delegates mostly (helping middle glass)
- there was controversy 1) they said they were the government for all of germany 2) the composition of the german state (with austria or without?)
- end: after austria dropped out, they agreed to let prussia be king, but Frederick William IV refused and it ended
Upheaval in Austrian Empire
- the french revolution got people excited for minorities to have their own thingy (ex: HUNGARIANS *LIBERALS (kossuth) wanted to have their OWN LEGISLATURE)
- *metternich left to england (conservative order fleeing)
- hungary got what it wanted (legislature and had allegiance to habsburg dynasty) and other people started rebelling (czech)
- emperor FERDINAND was waiting to take the rebels down (looking for… = like in germany: radical and moderates would split, middle class fear a working class revolt)
- the austrian military defeated czech revolutions
- FRANCIS JOSEPH became king and was unable to defeat hungary
- then with russia’s help he defeated hungary
Louis Kossuth
led hungarian liberals in revolution in 1848
Revolts in Italian States
- risorgimento was passed onto Giuseppe Mazzini who created the Young Italy organization
- the goal of young italy was to created a UNITED, LIBERAL REPUBLIC
- the rebellions started to spread northward (leaders give constitutions) (+)
- people rebelled against the austrians (+)
- however, the austrians were too strong and the revolution ended
Failures of 1848:
- moderate liberals did not extend “suffrage” to working class who helped the liberals
- radicals pushed for universal male suffrage, liberals (moderates) pulled back
- since they were scared of working class revolution, their property, and security they went back to the OLD RULING CLASSES
- minorities started to FIGHT EACH OTHER (hungary)
- there was lack of popular support outside the cities
Why police forces AND prison reforms came:
people wanted a DISCIPLINED society
How new polices forces come to be:
- revolutionary upheavals made people nervous
- with cities growing, there were horrible conditions in the cities
- there was an increase in crime to property
- MIDDLE CLASS started to fear the urban poor and police were created to PROTECT them
New Police Forces
- purpose: preserve property and lives, maintain domestic order, investigate crime, arrest offender
- because they were to PROTECT citizens, they became ACCEPTABLE
French Police
- they were called serjents
- they report to the civilians, instead of the military (smaller scale protection)
British Bobbies
- they were scared of powers “exercised by military or secret police in authoritarian continental states,”
- so they used unpaid CONSTABLES required by local authorities
- the constables were INCAPABLE and FAILED
- they then used uniformed officers called bobbies
- their goal was to prevent crime
- this is an example of how the police system SPREAD
- originally a CIVILIAN BODY, they became basically a military
Other Approaches to the Crime problem
- increase in poverty = increase in crime= laziness (not moral degeneracy)
- solution: poor laws
- increase in crime= increase in poverty = moral degeneracy (not laziness)
- solution: create places that created better members of society (london mechanics institute) and RELIGION opened up places (nunneries, sunday school, revival of religious orders)
Prison Reform
- increase in crime = more arrests = need place to put prisoners
- capital punishment (death) (ineffective) = imprisonment
- purpose: isolate criminals from society
- because people were questioning this system (harsh treatment), governments (british and french) went to find other solutions (US)
- goal of governments in finding solutions: punish AND transform criminals
- after visiting US, they started using separate individual cells (USA used these)
Marx and Marxism
- marx and engels meet and engels helped marx
- *they were advocates of radical working class movement
- After drafting in 1847 the Communist Manifesto for a group, you would think that it influenced the 1848 revolutions, but they didn’t because they weren’t well known (the manifesto was actually supposed to rouse the working class to action)
- after marx helped with the first international and at the same time working on his second work (das kaptial)
Marx’s influence from the French and Germans
- French: their revolution convinced him that revolution could “totally restructure society and several examples of socialism
- Germany: Hegel’s idea of dialectic
he helped marx because he witnessed the horrible conditions of the factories in manchester and called it “wage slavery”
Hegel’s idea of dialectic
- change in history “is the result of conflicts between antagonistic (unfriendly, hostile) elements”
- although marx agreed with him, he disagreed with the idea that ideas manifesting themselves in historical forces, but instead marx believed it was material forces
Ideas of Communist Manifesto
- “the history of all hither existing society is the history of class struggles”
- throughout history, oppressed and oppressor have stood in constant opposition to one another (middle ages: feudal system bowing to bourgeoisie and their ideas dominated the government and they controlled the government)
- they believed that NOW the proletariat would overthrow the “bourgeois masters”
- revolution = dictatorship = reorganize the means of production = classless society = state would not represent that interests of a particular state
industrial working class
First International
- because marx believed communists were the best (he defined communist was the “most advanced and resolute section of working class parties of very country), he helped with the first international
- the first international “served as an umbrella organization (help and coordinate other organization) for working-class interests
- this organization failed :(
Marx’s antithesis, thesis, synthesis
- thesis: dominant state of affairs
- antithesis: conflicting force
- synthesis: result of conflict between thesis and antithesis
Giuseppe Mazzini
found the young italy organization during the italian revolution of 1848
Cause for the French Revolution
- republicans opposed the monarchy
- liberals opposed government’s press censorship, corruption, and voting restrictions
- workingmen had poor economic conditions and NO vote
Frederick William IV of Prussia
- during the revolution in germanic states, he agreed to make reforms, including a Prussian assembly to draft a new constitution
- he was offered to be king of the new germanic states but refused and this caused the downfall of the frankfurt assembly
francis joseph
- he defeated hungary with russia’s help in the austrian revolution
- abolished robot/ forced labor / serfdom and annulled the liberal constitution
positives of 1848
- republic and universal male suffrage in france
- liberal constitution in sardinia -piedmont
- abolition of serfdom in austrian empire