53- Herpesviruses Flashcards
What is the structure of the herpesviruses?
• Herpesviridae: dsDNA, enveloped, icosadeltahedral capsid (162 capsomeres).
HSV1- site of latency
trigeminal ganglia
HSV1- clinical presentation
cold sores
HSV1/2- lab Dx
Tzanck smear (scraping base of lesion, shows giant multinucleated cells and cowdry type A inclusion bides
HSV2- site of latency
sacral ganglia
HSV2- clinical presentation
genital herpes
VZV- site of latency
Dorsal root ganglia
VZV- clinical presentation of 1o infection
VZV- clinical presentation of 2o infection
shingles (zoster)
VZV- lab Dx
Tzanck smear (scraping base of lesion, shows giant multinucleated cells and cowdry type A inclusion bides
VZV- vaccines
Live attenuated vaccine (oka strain)
EBV-site of latency
B cells
EBV- clinical presentation
mononucleosis (heterophile +)
EBV- lab Dx
Downey cells (atypical lymphocytes), heterophile antibodies (nonspecific activation of B cells by EBV)
EBV- cancer
YES! B cell mitosis, immortal b cell line, can lead to burkitt’s/hodgkins lymphoma
CMV- site of latency
mononuclear cells
CMV- clinical presentation
mononucleosis (heterophile -), cytomegalic inclusion disease
CMV- lab Dx
The Owl’s Eye Cell (dense central basophilic intranuclear inclusion body
HHV6- site of latency
mononuclear cells
HHV6- clinical presentation
HHV8- clinical presentation
kaposi’s sarcoma
What clinical syndromes are associated with human herpes virus 6, 7 8?
• Roseolaviridae – childhood disease of roseola (rose colored rash on babies)