37-38- Legionella and others Flashcards
Legionella- diseases
Pontiac Fever, Legionnaires Disease
Legionella- clinical presentation
Pontiac Fever has flu like symptoms (fever, chills, myalgia, malaise and headache). Legionnaires Disease has pneumonia like symptoms and after 2-10 days incubation can lead to death
Legionella- lab tests
Gram Negative Rods, Grow on Buffered Charcoal Yeast
Legionella- epidemiology
Commonly found in natural bodies of water, cooling towers, condensers and water systems. Most commonly aquired from exposure to contaminated aerosols. Patients at high risk include patients with compromised pulmonary function and patients with decreased cellular immunity.
Legionella- pathogenesis
Intracellular parasites that multiply in free-living amoeba in nature and in alveolar macrophages, monocytes and alveolar epithelial cells in infected hosts.
Bartonella- diseases
Carrion Disease, Trench Fever, Cat-Scratch Disease
Bartonella- clinical Sx
Recurrent Fevers and angioproliferative lesions (blood-filled cysts)
Bartonella- lab tests
Gram negative, aerobic rods that can grow on blood agar after 1-6 weeks
Bartonella- Epidemiology
Found in a variety of animal reservoirs and spread to humans through insect vectors.
Cardiobacterium- diseases
Cardiobacterium- clinical Sx
Fatigue, malaise and low-grade fever that can last for months until antibiotic therapy
Cardiobacterium- lab tests
Gram negative. Fermentative, oxidase positive and catalase negative.
Cardiobacterium- epidemiology
Most patients infected have preexisting heart disease and a history of oral disease or have undergone dental preocedures before the clinical symptoms develop.
Cardiobacterium- pathogenesis
Organisms endter the blood from the oropharynx, adhere to the damaged heart tissue and multiply.
Capnocytophagia- diseases
DF-1, DF-2 and Dysgonomonas
Capnocytophagia- clinical Sx
DF-1 - periodontitis, septicemia and rarely endocarditis. Dysgonomonas - gastroenteritis
Capnocytophagia- lab tests
Gram negative rods, capable of aerobic and anaerobic growth in the presence of carbon dioxide
Capnocytophagia- epidemiology
DF-1 - colonize the oropharynx. DF-2 - colonize oral cavities of dogs and cats, associated with bite wounds.
Streptobacillus- diseases
Rat-Bite Fever, Haverhill Fever
Streptobacillus- Clinical Sx
After 2-10 day incubation, irregular fever, headache, chills, muscle pain and polyarthralgias. Maculopapular rash develops with involvement extending to the hands and feet. Death in 10% of cases.
Streptobacillus- lab tests
Gram negative rod. Granules are bulbous swellings resembling a string of beads
Streptobacillus- epidemiology
Found in nasopharynx of rats and animals that feed on rodents. Infection results from rodent bites or from consumption of contaminated food or water