39-Clostridia Flashcards
What are the 4 characteristics of clostridia?
- Gram Positive
- Obligate anaerobes
- Capable of producing endospores – can allow it to survive harsh climates for extended periods
- Rod Shaped
C. difficile- diseases
Antibiotic-associated Diarrhea, Pseudomembranous Colitis
C. difficile- clinical Sx
Profuse foul smelling green mucoid diarrhea, abdominal cramping, fever, whitish plaques (pseudomembranes) over intact colonic tissue seen on colonoscopy
C. difficile- lab tests
Confirmed by detection of cytotoxin or enterotoxin in patients feces
C. difficile- epidemiology
Colonize the intestines of 5% of healthy individuals and can overgrow with exposure to antibiotics. Spores can be detected in hospital rooms of infected patients and can be an exogenous source of infection
C. difficile- pathogenesis
Enterotoxin attracts neutrophils to infiltrate the ileum and it also disrupts tight cell junction causing diarrhea. Cytotoxin causes the destruction of actin in the cytoskeleton
C. perfrigens- diseases
Soft-tissue Infections, Food Poisoning, Enteritis Necroticans, Septicemia
C. perfrigens- clinical Sx
Localized edema and erythema with gas formation in the soft tissue, accumulation of pus in muscle planes, rapid destruction of muscle tissue, gastroenteritis, food poisoning, necrotizing destruction of the jejunum with abdominal pain, vomiting, bloody diarrhea and peritonitis
C. perfrigens- lab tests
Large gram positive rods that grows rapidly in culture
C. perfrigens- epidemilogy
Widely distributed in soil and water contaminated with feces. Spores are formed under adverse environmental conditions and can survive for prolonged periods
C. perfrigens- pathogenesis
Organisms multiply rapidly in culture and in patients. Lyse blood cells and destroy tissues, leading to diseases such as overwhelming sepsis, massive hemolysis and myonecrosis. It also produces a enterotoxin that binds to receptors on the small intestine, leading to a loss of fluids and ions
C. Septicum- diseases
Gas Gangrene, Septicemia
C. septicum- clinical Sx
Associated with sepsis and a high mortality after 1-2 days
C. septicum- epidemiology
Exists in patients with occult colon cancer, acute leukemia or diabetes
C. septicum- pathogenesis
Causes nontraumatic myonecrosis. If integrity of bowel mucosa is compromises and immunity is down, it can spread into tissue and rapidly proliferate causing tissue destruction
C. botulinum- diseases
C. botulinum- clinical Sx
Blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, abdominal pain, bilateral descending weakness of peripheral muscles with flaccid paralysis. Respiratory arrent in infants. Inhalation has high mortality.
C. botulinum- lab tests
Toxin activity demonstrated in implicated food, patient’s serum, feces or gastric fluid
C. botulinum- epidemiology
Spores are found in soil worlwide
C. botulinum- pathogenesis
Botulinum toxin prevents release of neurotrasmitter Ach, thus blocking neurotransmission at peripheral cholinergic synapses, leading to a flaccid paralysis
C. tetani- diseases
C. tetani- clinical Sx
Generalized or localized musculature spasms that have high mortality in neonates
C. tetani- lab tests
Microscopy and culture are insensitive, and neither tetanus toxin nor antibodies are typically detected. Diagnosis based on clinical presentation
C. tetani- epidemiology
Spores are found in most soils and can colonize the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals. Risk is greatest for people with inadequate immunity.
C. tetani- pathogenesis
Primary virulence factor is teanospasmin which blocks the release of neurotransmitters for inhibitory synapses