5.2: Service Catalog Flashcards
The Service Catalog
is a robust ordering system for services and products offered by various departments for users:
* Categories organize catalog items
* “One stop shopping” offered to users
* Access to the Service Desk
* Help and Training Portal
* Multiple catalogs are supported
Service Catalog and Request Management
**SC - The user browses the catalog for items they wish to order or request
*Shopping Cart
All of the catalog items the user is
choosing to order
*Catalog Item
-The item offered to the user in the Catalog e.g. iPhone
-The item offered to the user in the Catalog e.g. Executive Desktop
**RM - Once the order has been placed the request needs to be tracked and fulfilled
The record the end user tracks once they order from the catalog
*Requested Item
-The individual catalog item requested e.g. iPhone
-The individual catalog item requested e.g. Executive Desktop
*Catalog Task
Task required to fulfill/deliver
the requested item
After placing an order, the request management process begins. For each catalog item , workflows facilitate the approval process as well as the fulfillment tasks.
Service Catalog Major Components
*Items are the building blocks of the Service Catalog: *Hardware *Software *Services
Items once selected and submitted, result in Requests or other Records like Incidents
*Variables provide questions to help the requester specify what item, option, or service to order.
*Variable Sets are a collection of variables that can be shared between catalog items.
*Record Producers are a form that produces a task record. Record Producers are a type of Catalog Item.
*Flows run behind the scenes and communicate the stages of the approval process to the requester and drive the request fulfillment.
Users locat e a cat ego ry fo r an i t em o r serv ice t hey w ant t o o rder, and t hen click t he subcat egory link. Use t he Cat alog Builder t o creat e or edi t a cat alog i t em (or record producer t ype) using a v i sual and guided experience along w i t h specified rest rict ions. You can creat e a t emplat e t hat can be used t o creat e cat alog i t em s and specify rest rict ions for t hose i t em s.
Record Producer
An int erface used as an al t ernat ive t o li st s and form s. Each Record Producer focuses on a specific process or t ask and can be used anyw here in t he Serv iceNow platform. In t he Serv ice Cat alog, Record Producers are present ed in cat egories along w ith cat alog i t ems. Serv ice Cat alog can be used as a complet e front -end UI.
Quest ions t hat define i t em options can be added t o ask t he end user ordering t he cat alog i t em. Variables can affect t he order price. Serv ice Cat alog v ariables are flagged as “Global “ by defaul t and w il l di splay in al l t he execut ion t asks of a request ed i t em . A v ariable i s defined once and can be used in mul t iple places. The Serv ice Cat alog allows you t o at t ach indiv idual v ariables t o a cat alog i t em, or multiple v ariables collected in a Var i able Set.
Var i able Sets
Associating v ariables indi vidually per Cat alog It em i s repet i t ive, t ime-consum ing, and error-prone. Also , t o make a single change t o mul t iple cat alog item s inv olves manually changing each i t em . Using Variable Set s sav es t ime because you do not hav e t o creat e t he same Variables indiv idually for many Cat alog It em s. Also, w hen Variables requi re updat ing, you can modify t he Variable Set and t he changes are reflect ed across al l t he associat ed Cat alog It ems.
When you creat e a new serv ice cat alog i t em , you can creat e a new co rresponding flow at t he same t ime. Thi s flow i s used t o driv e complex ful fi llment processes and can send not i fications t o defined users or groups. All fut ure inv estment w ill be done in Flow Designer.
Service Catalog Items and Variables
To create a new item or modify an existing item, navigate to All > Service Catalog > Catalog Definitions > Maintain Items
*Once an item is published to the Service Catalog, users will be able to order it.
* Global by default
* Define the questions to ask the end user ordering the catalog item
* Question choices can define the available options and might affect the order price
* Which monitor size?
* Who is the hiring manager?
* What is the budget code?
Service Catalog variables
*are global by default and prov ide opt ions t o tailor a catalog item to the customer’ s needs. For example, a computer might be available with different operating systems.
*help define the structure of a catalog item form that is displayed to the customer. For example, you can define variables as Hardware Type, Color, or Price, et c.
Common Variable Types
- Multiple Choice: Creates radio but tons for user -defined quest ion choices
- Select Box: Creat es a cho ice li st o f user-defined quest ion choices
- Single Line T ext: Creat es a single-line text input field
- Reference: Specifies a record in another table, similar to a reference field
- Check box: Creates a check box which may be select ed o r cleared
Variable Set
is just a container, so it has only two fields: Name and Description. After you save the variable set , you will get a Related List at the bottom where you can add as many variables as you want.
Record Producers
appear as simplified forms, allowing users to provide information that is translated into task-based records being added or modified in the database.
* When employees use the Service Catalog on the HR Service Portal to submit a request for Direct Deposit setup, a record producer transfers the request into an HR case
* Incident management might use a record producer for users who need to open an incident easily via the web
* Facilities management uses a record producer for users to open requests for printer service
NOTE: Use a record producer to create task -based records only.
To ensure that standard service catalog processes are followed, such as initiating flows as expected, do not create requested item records from record producers. Instead, create requested item using catalog items. 243
Order Guide
Define an Order Guide to assist customers in ordering a complete set of needed items and to help users see item relationships.
Questions can be used to present item options to users with only relevant questions and choices at the appropriate time in the ordering process. 244