4.4: CMDB Flashcards
The CMDB and Configuration Items
The Configuration Management Database is a series of tables and fields that contain all of the Configuration Items (CIs) controlled by your company, as well as their attributes and relationships.
Access to the CMDB tables and underlying data requires certain permissions, such as the following roles:
* asset
* itil
* itil_admin
* cmdb_read
Configuration Items
can be tangible or intangible devices or applications in the CMDB such as firewalls, computers, email services, and services.
*Devices on the network
*Applications *Services
The Configuration Application provides
core functionality for the Configuration Management Database (CMDB), including modules for hardware and other configuration items. This functionality is part of the CMDB plugin, which is activated in a base install .
The CMDB provides
a logical model of your company infrastructure by identifying, controlling, maintaining, and verifying the configuration items (CIs) that exist .
A configuration item
is any component that needs to be managed in order to deliver services. CIs typically include services and their underlying components, such as business applications and hardware. However, be aware that the term “services” continues to evolve and is often overused. This can complicate conversations where references are made to “services”.
Three key CMDB tables
*Base Configuration Item [cmdb],
*Configuration Item [cmdb_ci ] which contains CI data,
*CI Relationship [cmdb_ rel_ci] which contains CI relationship data.
ServiceNow ‘s CMDB
in contrast to a static list, not only tracks the CIs within your platform, but al so the relationships between those items. Over time as the number of CIs grow , performance and heal t h of t he CMDB can be impact ed. Use t he CMDB Dat a Manager t ool t o creat e, publi sh, and manage CI policies t o help maint ain t he CMDB in an efficient and operat ional st ate.
CMDB use in ITSM Processes
*Incident Management - an infrastructure
component broke in
our data center.
*Change Management - We need to change
something in our Data Center.
*Problem Management - We have identified a defect in our
*Request Management - I would like to have new software loaded on my computer.
The Configuration Management Database (CMDB)
is a repository of information related to all of the components of an information system. Although repositories similar to CMDBs have been used for years in IT, the origin of the CMDB stems from the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL). CMDBs help monitor and discover what system components are needed for effective and efficient business processes and IT service management.
All service management processes relate to and involve the CMDB. For example: someone calls with an issue, and you want to do a root cause analysis, the CMDB gives you insights to effectively troubleshoot. 193
NOTE: These are examples of CI class/tables
but each CI table is unique in the CMDB hierarchy. To fully underst and the CMDB table structure you need to underst and the hierarchical struct ure of the CMDB tables/schema.
CMBD Benefits
A high percent age of incident s are caused by failed changes. An accurate, up-to-date CMDB helps IT teams to:
* Locate failed changes and associated Incidents
*Facilitate impact analysis of proposed changes t o reduce or eliminate downtime
*Assess problem trends pertaining to specific CIs
*Efficiently manage incidents affecting CIs and serv ice delivery
CMDB Workspace
is a central place for working with the CMDB. Use CMDB Workspace to search and explore the CMDB, examine health and recent activity, and access various CMDB dashboards and tool s to support tasks in your organization.
*Plugins: CMDB CSDM Support, CSDM Activation.194
Configuration Items: Dependency View
DV provide an interactive graphical interface to visualize relationships between configuration items. 195
A ServiceNow service (application service or business service)
is work or goods t hat are support ed by an IT infrast ruct ure. For example, delivering emai l serv ice t o an employee can requi re serv ices such as emai l serv ers, w eb serv ers, and t he w ork t o configure t he user’ s account . The dependency v iew can help you see relat ionships bet ween Ci s in your infrast ructure.
In t he example prov ided, yo u can see business serv ices (Bond Trading and SAP Payroll ) t hat need access t o dat abases t hat t hen al so requi re t he nyc oracle clust er. If somet hing in t hi s map becom es unav ailable (due t o an out age, a syst em change, et c.), business serv ices such as SAP Payrol l could be impacted. 195
A Dependency View s map has one starting point,
called the root CI or root node of t he map. The root CIis surrounded by a darker frame t hat repaint s i t self w it h a pul sing effect draw ing t he at t ention t o t he root CI. The maps can show bot h upst ream and dow nstream dependencies for t he root CI. By defaul t , t he Dependency View s map di splays 3 lev els, bot h upst ream and dow nstream relat ionships. Adm inistrators can configure t he number of lev els di splayed. The map collapses and expands clust ers t o make t hem easier t o v iew . By defaul t , clust ers are collapsed. 195
In a Dependency Views map, map indicators indicate if
a CI has any active, pending issues. You can investigate the tasks that are connected to a CI to get more details. When yo u ret urn t o t he map from anot her form, t he syst em rest ores t he last map v iewed, using t he defaul t fi l t er and layout set t ings. When yo u click t he map icon on a CI record or on a t ask record t hat ident i fies a CI, t he map opens.
Many of t he relat ionships in t he map are creat ed t hrough t he di scov ery process. You can al so creat e, define, and delet e CI relat ionships in t he map. You can di splay t he map from di fferent perspect iv es and open specific records t hat relat e t o configuration i t em s. The syst em refreshes t he map aut omat ically t o reflect changes to the CMDB. 195