3.1: Classic Environment Lists and Filters Flashcards
List Records and Fields
A list displays a set of records from a table within the content frame. This example shows a list in the classic environment. The Workspace list anatomy is the same.
- Each row represents one FIELD.
- Each column represents one RECORD.
- The intersection of each row and column is the data value. (Priesečníkom každého riadka a stĺpca je hodnota údajov.)
List Views
Views provide specific fields or columns to support different work activities.
Context Menus in the Classic List
Context menus provide different levels of controls for a given list view
1. List Controls menu
2. Column Options menu
3. List Fields (Right-click) Context Menu
Context menus can be accessed by selecting the list controls menu icon or by right-clicking the list header or column headers.
List Filters in the Classic Environment
A filter is a set of conditions applied to a table list to isolate a subset of the data.
Three components that make up a filter condition include: * Field * Operator
* Value
The 3 parts of a filter condition are:
- Field: A choice list based on the table and user access rights. The choice list includes fields on related tables by dot-walking.
- Operator: A choice list based on the field type. For example, in the incident table, the greater than operator does not apply to the Active field but it does apply to the Priority field.
- Value: A text entry field or a choice list, depending on the field type.
Filter operators will change depending on field data type. Example field operators:
- Text value: is, is not , contains, is one of, start s with, ends with
- Numeric: is, is not , greater than, less than, great er than or is, less than or is
- Date: on, before, after, between, is more than, is less than
Edit Data in the Classic List
The List Editor allows a field value to be edited in a list without opening the record
Locate a record with the field value to change:
* Double-click in an empty area of the field for in-line editing
* Enter the appropriate value(s)
* Save the record by clicking the save icon
Configure List Layout in the Classic List
Configure the List Layout to show or hide fields from a view and change the list column order.
Users with the admin or personalize_list role can add or remove columns (fields) from a list or change the order in which the columns appear in the list for all users.
The List collector Dot-Walk technique
*The List collector opens to allow you to add, remove, and reorder fields.
List collector
*If a field is not available on a given record, use the Dot-Walk technique.
*To create a new list view, select New from the View Name choice list.
List Personalization (Logged-in User in Classic Environment)
Personalize a list to show or hide fields on a view, as well as change the list column order for the current logged-in user.
*Click the Personalize List (gear) icon in the list column header.
*Use the list collector to add/remove/reorder columns for the personalized list and save.
*The Personalize List (gear) icon changes to show the list has been personalized.
Personalize List Personalization
*modifies the layout of a list for an individual user. It does not affect the platform default.
*should be used for temporary situations. Global changes will not be reflected in a personalized list.
gathers information from a series of tables through reference fields.
*Select the reference field you will dot-walk through
*Click the Expand Item icon ( + )
*Select the field which holds the value to be referenced
*Click the Add Item icon ( > )
Workspace List
*Lists created by a user appear in the My Lists tab. Lists in this section are visible only to the logged-in user.
*Lists and forms are the most common ways to interact with data. A list displays a set of records from a table. Lists can be filtered and customized to display the information you need. This example shows a list in a work space. Working with lists in a workspace does provide some advantages, including ease of use. Classic lists function similarly with some feature differences. It is advantageous to understand both options for scenarios where a workspace is not implemented or available or where more functionality for configuration is required.
Context Menus in the Workspace List
Context menus provide different levels of controls for a given list view.
*1. Use the Grab icon to drag and drop columns.
2. Use the More Options menu to group records t hat have the same values in a column, as well as quickly filter the values in t he column.
3. Use the More UI Actions icon to filter out records based on field values.
Key Concepts – Database, Tables, Lists, and Forms
Lists and Forms provide a user-friendly interface for
managing tables, records, and fields.
*Tables are a data structure or database component , which contain records
*Records are the data stored in tables, which contain fields
*Fields are individual pieces of data within a record (Examples, First Name, Last Name, Department)
In addition to fields, the form can also contain Sections, Formatter, UI Actions, and Related Lists.
In addition to fields, the form can also contain Sections, Formatter, UI Actions, and Related Lists.
- Sections organize fields into logical groups in a form
- A Formatter is a form element used to display information that is not a field on a form.
- UI Act ions include the buttons, links, and context menu items on form s and lists. They make the UI more interactive, customized, and specific to user activities.
- Related Lists show records in tables that have a relationship to the current record. For example, the User form features Roles and Groups Related Lists. Related Lists do not appear on a form until a record has been saved to the database.
Common Field Types
- Reference: Query t hat displays records from another table.
- Date/T i me: Day and time of day, which can be selected with a calendar widget . Depending on the record, some calendar widgets may not display the time and will only di splay t he date (as seen in t he image above).
- Str i ng: Freely populated using letters, numbers, and special characters. For 254 characters or less, the string field will be a single-line text field. Anything 255 characters or over will appear as a multi -line text box.
- Choice: Drop-down list of choices t hat can be configured.
- True/False: Boo lean field t hat appears as a check box.
Form Views
Incident Form
Views provide specific fields or columns
to support different work activities.
Form Configuration
involves changing the form layout and the related list layout.
System Administrators can configure forms using: * Form Design * Form Layout
Warning: It i s not recommended to add the same field to more than one sect ion of a form unless the field di splays read-only data. Having t wo or more instances of an edit able field can cause data loss and prevent the proper functioning of UI and data policies.
1.Comparison of Form Design and Form Layout
2. Adding New Fields
3. Using the List Collector to Add Existing Fields
Using the List Collector to Add Existing Fields
Use the List Collector to add, remove, or reorder fields.
Available items that are green and followed by a plus (+) sign represent related tables
To access the fields on related tables, use dot-walking.
Using Form Design
Form Design Fields and Sections
Each field is represented by a cell on the form which contains (left to right):
* Handle icon
* Settings icon
* Remove icon
* Field label
Sections are used to break up the form and group like information together.
A formatter is an element used to display information that is not a field in the record.
Some Formatters included in the base platform are:
Activity for matter: Displays t he list o f activities, o r history, on at ask form . It provides an easy w ay to t rack items not sav ed with a field in t he record, for example, journal fields like comment s and work notes
* Process flow formatter : Di splays t he different stages in a linear process flow across t he t op of a record
* Parent breadcrumbs formatter: Provides breadcrumbs t o show t he parent o r parent s of t he current t ask
* Approval summarizer formatter: Di splays dynamic summary information about t he request being approved
* CI relations formatter: Di splays on t he CI form and allow s for the viewing of relationships between the current Cl and related Cls.
Related lists
show records in tables that have a
relationship to the current record.
Related lists are presented as tabs at the bottom of the form view.
Personalize Form View (Classic Environment)
Click the Personalize Form icon to personalize which fields display.
Personalizing a form will affect only what you see on a form – others will not be affected.
Templates: Classic Form
Templates allow form fields to be populated automatically, simplifying the process of generating new records.
Use the template bar at the bottom of the form to manually apply, create, or edit templates.
Workspace Form Overview
Create a New Workspace Form Template
Make Workspace Template Available to Groups
Configuring Data in Choice and Reference Lists
Choice List
is a type of field that lets the user select from a pre-defined set of choices.
On a choice list field, click the dropdown arrow to see the list of choices.
A choice or reference field can be declared dependent on another field on the same table.
Dependent fields limit their available values based on the value in the dependent field.
1.Configure Choice Lists
2.Create Records in Reference Tables
Knowledge Check
1. Which field type displays as a check box on the form?
- True/False
Knowledge Check
2. How can you identify a Choice field?
- Dropdown arrow
Knowledge Check
3. What are the three components of a filter condition?
- Field
- Operator
- Value
Knowledge Check
4. What limits a field’s available values?
Dependent field
Knowledge Check
5. How can you identify a Reference field?
Magnifying glass