4.3: Import Data Flashcards
Importing Data: What are Import Sets?
An Import Set is a tool used to import data from various data sources, and map that data into ServiceNow tables.
* HR Implementers may use Import Sets to copy many HR Stories into the Development instance during implementation
* Information Security department may not approve an integration with a data source vital to IT operations. Therefore, Import Sets are used to periodically update a significant number of records
{Import Set s prov ide a mechani sm t o pul l dat a int o Serv iceNow. Import Set s store data in Import Set t ables. Any user logged in w i t h t he admin or import_admin role can manage al l aspect s of Import Sets.}
Data Sources
are records in ServiceNow t hat contain information regarding an Import Set data source. You can import data from a local source (e.g. , XML, CSV, Excel) or from a net work serv er by prov iding a pat h and aut hent icat ion informat ion. A dat a source can come from a fi le, a Light weight Di rect ory Access Prot ocol (LDAP) connect ion, or a Jav a Dat abase Connect i vity (JDBC) connect ion.
The Import Set Table
act s as a staging area for records import ed from a data source.
Transform Maps
provide a guide for moving data from Import Set (st aging) tables to “Target ” tables. Field mapping provides direct field -to -field data moves.
A Transform Map i s a set of field maps t hat det erm ine t he relat ionships bet w een fields in an Import Set and fields in an exist ing Serv iceNow t able (such as Incident s or Users). Once defined, exist ing Transform Maps can be reused for mapping dat a from an Import Set t o a Serv iceNow t able. The Transform Map Module enables an adm ini strat or t o define dest inat ions for import ed dat a on any Serv iceNow t ables. Transform mapping can be as simple as dragging and dropping t o specify linking bet ween source fields on an Import Set t able and dest inat ion fields on any Serv iceNow t able.
The Target Table
is an existing t able w here t he data w il l be placed, post -transformation. 174
Import Set Table
The Import Set Table is a staging area for records imported from a data source.
Fields on these tables are
generated automatically based on imported data.
Importing Best Practices
- Understand what data you are bringing in and where it should be placed.
- Plan time before an import to verify your data. Remove obsolete data and fix inaccurate data.
Some important things about importing data:
*Data should not be import ed in extremely large chunks
*Creating an extremely large Import Set can cause extensive delays
*The imported fi le label is used t o det ermine the name for the Import Set t able that data will be loaded int o
*It is also possible to schedule imports
NOT E: It i s al so possible t o choose an exist ing Import Set t able t o use for loading dat a from t he same source, or dat a t hat has t he same field/column designations. When an exist ing Import Set t able i s chosen, t he t able fields are added w hen t he incom ing source of dat a cont ains fields/columns t hat do not exist. 175
Transform Maps
a transform map is a set of field maps that define the relationships between fields in an import set table and fields in a target table.
Automatic Mapping Utility
The simplest mapping method is where all of the field names of the Import Set match the name of the fields on t he Target table where the data will be transformed. In this case, simply click Auto Map Matching Fields in the related links in the Table Transform Maps form and confirm proper matching.
Mapping Assist Utility
The Mapping Assist utility provides a visually intuitive environment for specifying mapping between Import Set fields and Target table fields. With the Mapping Assist utility, it is possible to map a single source field (field on an Import Set table) to multiple destination fields (fields on a Target table). If there are any discrepancies in term s of how fields were automatically matched, these can easily be corrected using the Mapping Assist utility. When all fields are matched properly, click Transform in the related links to begin transforming data onto the destination table.
Coalesce Fields
(or multiple fields) means the field will be used as a unique key during imports.
*If a match is found using the coalesce field(s), the existing record will be updated with the information being imported
*If a match is not found using the coalesce field(s), then a new record will be inserted into the database
*Because if no coalesce is defined, all imported rows are treated as new records. No existing records are updated. If the import is executed again, duplicate records will be created.
*Configuring a target field to coalesce causes t he import set to treat the field as a unique key. When select ed, t he import set application at tempts t o match source values t o records with values from an existing record. I f a match is found, t he transform map updates t he record instead of creating a new record. When false, the import set application always creates new records for each transformation. 177
There are several possible configurations you can use to coalesce data in Import Sets:
- Single-field coalesce: Yo u can coalesce on a single field to update an existing record. If a target table record exists with the same value in the coalesce field as the import (staging) t able record, t he target table record i s updated rat her than added using t he Import Set record values.
- Multiple-field coalesce: You can coalesce on multiple fields to update an exist ingrecord. I f a t arget table reco rd exi st s w i th t he same v alues in al l co al esce fi el ds as t he impo rt (st aging) t able reco rd, t he t arget t able reco rd i s updat ed using t he impo rt (staging) table record values. All coalesce field values between the target and import (staging) tables must match to coalesce with multiple fields.
*Conditional coalesce: You can use a script to determine if an import (staging) table row should coalesce to a target record. Most conditional coalesce script s are defined in the source script field of a field map for t he sys_ id field. To update a target record using the import (staging) table record values, t he script must return t he sys_ id o f the target table record. 177
NOTE: Mapping Assist
Note: The simplest mapping method is where all the field names of the Import Set match the names of the fields on the Target table where the data will be transformed. However, when this is not the case, the Mapping Assist Utility provides a visually intuitive process which allows you to define the data you are importing and where that data will go. Next you will map direct field-to-field data moves. Where the field names in each table are different, it is important that you define the movement accurately. 183
Note: The import of the Infinity data to the staging table is complete, but
you are not ready to run the transform yet because you need to add a coalesce field. That is, the key field that should be defined to ensure existing records are updated rather than added as new records. To add a coalesce field, we will need to modify the existing Transform Map. 186
NOTE: Transform maps
Note: The device number (u_device_number) field is likely the best candidate for the coalesce field because it contains a unique value. If a match is found for the value of this field, then the record will be updated instead of a new record being created. 187
-> Field maps -> serial_number -> true
NOTE: A system message displays at the top of the form. When you set a Coalesce field for the first time
an index will be created automatically. The system message only applies if you CHANGED the Coalesce fields. 187