5.2 Internal Migration (within a country) Flashcards
What are the 7 ESPE push factors from rural to urban areas: 1E, 2S, 2P, 2E IN LICS
- Unemployment due to mechanised commercial farming (Green Revolution since 1960s), or debt due to buying the latest seeds and chemical inputs (e.g. Dorli, India)
- High population growth rates resulting in repeated subdivision of plots of land so they are too small for subsistence.
- Poor standard of living – often lack access to clean water, sanitation, healthcare, education, enough food (may eat just one or two meals a day – high levels of child malnutrition).
- May be civil unrest/ war in rural areas (e.g. Nigeria – Boko Haram attacks in the north)
- Displacement by big projects such as dams
- Environmental deterioration - over-cultivation and over-grazing leading to soil erosion.
- Insecure way of life due to natural hazards such as annual flooding and cyclones. E.g., Bangladesh.
What are the 4 pull factors from rural to urban areas: 2E, 2S
- Greater range of employment opportunities – in industry and services such as transport, retail, call centres, catering, waste recycling (usually more informal than formal opportunities)
- Wage differentials – factory workers earn far more than farm workers.
- Perceived higher living standards – access to healthcare and education.
- Future prospects – ‘there is no future in the countryside’, ‘the future is urban’.
Why does in and out migration occur in rural settlements in HICs
Allows it:
* Improved transport allows it
Drives it:
* Changes in employment structure: loss of jobs in primary and increase in tertiary
* Better education and jobs opportunities in cities
* Internet allows more older people to work from home
* House prices attract older people to retire in countryside
LIC examples of rural-urban migration: Kolhewadi/Mumbia, india - aims, what opportunities there are, what type of migration is it often, what does this do to the village, what has the village now become, is there a harsh divide between rural and urban?
- Rural urban migration from Kolhewadi village to the city of Mumbai started in the 1950s as roads improved. The aim was to earn cash in the city and bring it back to improve the village – buy animal feed, fertilisers, better seeds etc
- The informal economy in cities has grown – provides 70% of jobs in India (around 50% in Latin America and more than 90% in the poorest African countries)
- Rural-urban migration today is often circular - go home to the village for harvest and wedding season, and also return to the village if city economy takes a downturn. It is also ‘relay’ as in people in the same family take turns to go to the city
- Over time, this helps to ‘urbanise’ the village (due to improvements) and ‘sorts’ the population so the most able remain in the city while the least able/ dependents stay in the village
- In the past, people went to the city to earn money to support the village, now the village is a safety net for those planning to stay in the city – migration transition based on improved communications and education.
- Not helpful to emphasise idea of a ‘divide’ between rural and urban – reality is more complex.
LIC examples of rural-urban migration: Dorli, India - why less success that Kolhewadi, main push factor, what did politicians say they’d do,
- Remote village of Dorli has had less success than Kolhewadi because there are few links with urban areas – the slums are far away and generational migration routes (grandfather – father – son etc) are not present
- Has been repeated subdivision of plots of land, so commercial success is impossible
- Many politicians state that they want people to stay in rural areas and promise to bring the internet, electricity, schools and jobs to the villages, which is clearly far more difficult and expensive than providing those services in cities. ‘Putting off urbanisation can mean postponing prosperity’. India’s 100 largest cities, with 16% of its total population, contribute 43% of its national income.
LIC examples of rural-urban migration: Liu Gong Li, engulfed by Chongqing - what type of urbanisation is this, what fraction of those who migrate return to village, why is it hard to access services, why hard to apply for hukou, what are the alternatives, remittances
- Exemplifies ‘in situ’ urbanisation – village became engulfed by urban growth and is now effectively a shanty town/ arrival city 1 km into Chongqing (a city of 10 million)
- Half of those who move there end up returning to rural areas.
- Rural escapees do not have urban hukou so cannot fully arrive in Chongqing or access services, but must build their own illegal shanty settlements which could be bulldozed at any moment.
- Around 1/6th of Chinese are neither true villagers nor official urbanites. If apply for and get urban hukou, have to give up village homes – risky since urban welfare is not good and at least you can go back and grow food in a village
- Alternative is to live in factory dormitories (where cannot have a family life or progress up property ladder)
- Remittances – a lot of money is sent back to rural areas to support grandparents and left behind children (140 million migrant workers: 180 million left behind family members). Urban and rural spheres are tightly linked – socially, economically and politically
LIC examples of rural-urban migration: Shenzhen - is informal housing allowed, why should this perhaps change
- Shenzhen is in an SEZ and is a planned city so no informal housing is allowed (around 14 million people).
- Most live in factory accommodation – bunkhouses
- Perhaps areas of Shenzhen should be designated where people can create their own shanty towns. Without entry-level neighbourhoods, the wider economic growth enabled by migrants is threatened
What are the impacts of migration: age and gender
- May cause unbalanced age structures and gender ratios in both source and receiving areas
- If young adults are the most likely to migrate, source areas may be left with ageing populations
- In the UK, if many retirees go to the south coast, this places heavier demands on health and social care provision, but less demand on education services
Zelinksy Model: Explain stage 1 + example
* Initially, very little migration because little incentive to migrate if most people engaged in subsistence farming
*Most migration is inter-rural (village to village) for marriage reasons
* Marital migration within villages in India and Bangladesh
Zelinksy Model: Explain stage 2 + example
* Mostly rural-urban with agricultural change (mechanisation and other improvements means fewer farm workers needed and population begins to grow rapidly as DRs fall)
* Industrialisation (labour becomes more mobile as jobs are created in new factories and service sector, facilitated by road and railway building)
* Kolhewadi to Mumbai in India
* Sanfengzhen to Chongqing in China * Various villages to Lagos in Nigeria
Zelinksy Model: Explain stage 3 + example
* More inter-urban (and intra-urban) as people move around between and within cities for work, or for life cycle and cultural reasons (age, marital status, ethnic ‘villages’ within cities)
* London to the New Towns like Milton Keynes and Bracknell after WW2 (attracted by new good quality housing and pushed out by poor quality/ bombed out inner cities)
* More recently out to Northern cities where the cost of living is lower
Zelinksy Model: Explain stage 4 + example
* Urban-rural (counter-urbanisation) increases as decentralisation is facilitated by improvements in transport, ‘telecommuting’/ working from home
Retirement as populations age
* People moving from London to places on the coast or south-east e.g Cornwall or Tunbridge Wells
Define stepped migration
- A process that occurs when the rural migrant initally heads for a familar small town then after a period of time moves on to a larger urban settlement
- Over many years, the migrant may take a number of steps up the urban hierarchy
What are the causes and impacts of urban-urban migration linked to?
- Linked to stage in life cycle (student/ single, family/ single parent, empty nesters)
- Changes in society (more divorce, more living alone, greater longevity)
- Technology (usually decentralising)
- Changing economic opportunities
Why would people move from the outskirts of a city to the city centre - give 2 reasons + examples
- Regeneration of inner cities (e.g. Glasgow, Liverpool and London Docklands)
- Gentrification (Oxford - Jericho)
Why would people move from the city centre to the outskirts - give 1 reason + examples
- Family life cycle theory - people may want bigger houses/gardens in suburbs/villages when people have kids
Explain how planning decisions influenced the movement of people within cities
- In 1950-60s decentralisation was the goal - demolition of city centres and movement of low income people to edge of town council estates
- The reverse has happened in recent decades - re-urbanisation with high density mixed use developments (e.g. residential and commercial) on brownfield sites in more central areas of cities
- WHY IS THIS ATTRACTIVE? Well, it is more sustainable due to less transport and energy needed