5.2 Given a scenario, troubleshoot problems related to motherboards, RAM, CPUs, and power. Flashcards
What key boots windows 7 into safe mode?
Unexpected shutdowns are often caused by what things?
What are some appropriate steps to check for this cause?
Excessive heat.
Check heatsinks manually
Check other cooling status with BIOS or an app
High CPU programs are often a cause.
It could also be failing hardware. Event viewer, device manager, and running hardware diagnostics are ways of testing.
Check for recent changes.
Spontaneous lockups/freezes may commonly be caused by what things? What are some things to check?
Check for activity such as status lights, and Ctrl-Alt-Del functionality.
Check for recently updated drivers or OS patches.
Check for low RAM or hard drive space.
Run hardware diagnostics
There often isn’t much information in the event logs for what kind of problems?
unexpected shutdowns
Beeps or other codes during the POST may be a sign of what?
Hardware failure; RAM, motherboard, CPU, etc
Blank screen on BOOT likely signals what?
video problem;
replace video card
check video cables
check BIOS configuration
check for disabled video settings.
If date and time are not accurate, or BIOS settings are not being save after shutdowns, what could be the problem?
Depleted CMOS battery on the motherboard, can replace it.
If there is an incorrect boot, or booting from wrong device, what could you check?
Boot order configuration in BIOS.
Check that device has a valid OS.
Check for removable media in the startup device.
Continuous reboots can be a sign of what?
This might be caused by a bad driver, poorly seated hardware, or bad configuration for your operating system.
Try disabling automatic restarts with system properties or advanced boot options, and reseating RAM/connections/etc.
If a system is continually rebooting (performs some type of startup process, and then begins rebooting all over again) You need to determine…
What stage of the boot process the reboot is occuring;
Are you getting a BIOS screen only, or do you find that you get the operating system splash screen and then find the system is rebooting? Or does it go all the way to the desktop of your operating system to only then reboot the system?
What can pressing F8 during startup allow you to do?
Can boot into safemode, enable boot logging, disabled automatic restart, debugging mode, or start from last known working OS configuration.
One tool you can use to test power issues is…
Check AC power from socket and DC power in power supply unit inside computer.
If you’re getting no power on self test to a motherboard, the issue could be power supply-related or it might be related to…
a bad motherboard
What is one thing to note about fans when troubleshooting power supply issues?
You can connect fans directly to the power supply, or you may connect them to a fan controller on your motherboard.
If the problem is related to the power supply, we might see lower voltages come off of the power supply, which are enough to turn the fans but not start the motherboard.
The best way to check this is to get your ___ and check all of the different voltages coming from that power supply.
If you don’t have good ___ through your computer, then you’ll find that the temperature rises very quickly.
Most computers these days have sensors that will tell us what the temperature is inside of their computer and the temperature of individual components. You can often see these numbers in your ___, or you can try some third party software to be able to see these.
Checking the amount of airflow through your system can be done very quickly just by
putting your hand on the outside of the case, or a visual check to make sure there’s nothing in the way.