a collection of public websites that are connected to the internet worldwide, together with the client computers which include personal computers, laptops, iPads, and cellular phones that access its content.
World Wide Web (www)
he laid out the plan that would become the todays “web” which was all started in CERN (World Wide Web Foundation website)
Tim Berners-Lee
Fundamental Technologies
- Hypertext markup language (HTML)
- Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
- Web servers and web browsers
standard markup language used for creating web pages and is classified as the set of codes appended in a file intended for presentation on a world wide web browser page.
Hypertext markup language (HTML)
set of standards allowing users of the world wide web to interchange information seen on web pages.
Hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP)
standard port for HTTP connections.
Port 80
a software application for recovering, presenting, and navigating information resources on the World Wide Web an example of this is the Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari and many more.
Web servers and web browsers
Stages of web works
- Connect to the web server.
- Uniform Resource Locators (URL).
It is the first stage where many users access the browsers e.g. internet explorer, chrome, Mozilla, etc., to connect to the web server. Browser works by using a unique protocol known as the http which demands a particular programmed text from the web server. The text is written in HTML format informing the browser how it will display the text on the user’s screen.
Connect to the web server.
called as the internet address.
Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
Four parts of Uniform Resource Locators (URL)
protocol identifier, domain name, the path, and the file name.
specifies the IP address where the resource is located
Domain Name
Indicates the protocol to use
Protocol identifier
Generally all website is maintained by its owner or the so called
website administrator
two (2) mainly manages search tools that people use in locating information on the web:
- Subject directories
- Search engine
developed and maintained by human editors and not by electronic spiders or robots that are used to fetch web pages automatically.
Subject directories
uses small programs called spiders or bots i.e. Googlebot, Yahoo Slurp, and MSNbot that polish the internet, follow links, and return information to the search engine’s indicator
Search engine
Techniques that can be used to improve web searches:
- Using specific words and placing the most importa-nt terms first in the search text or phrase
- Using quotation marks to create exact phrases - this helps the search engine find what it is looking for by using the exact sequence of words.
- Listing all possible spellings e.g. organization and organisation.
Useful Google Search basic tips to new features and tricks
- Use quotes (“) to search for an exact phrase
- Use an asterisk (*) within quotes to specify unknown or variable words
- Use the minus (-) sign to eliminate results containing certain words
- Search websites for keywords
- Compare using “vs”
- Use “DEFINE:” to search for the meaning of words - slang included
- Search images using images
virtual community whose members interact with each other primarily via the Internet
Online community, Internet community, or Web community
can act as an information system where members can post, comment on discussions, give advice, or collaborate
Online community
a group of people with a shared interest or purpose who use the Internet to communicate with each other.
Online community
Organizations often create online communities as
- Professional, sometimes private network to bring people together around a shared business-based experience.
- Expansive online collaboration and growth.
a social network of individuals who connect through specific social media, potentially crossing geographical and political boundaries to pursue mutual interests or goals.
Virtual Community
is an online platform which people use to build social networks or social relationships with other people who share similar personal or career interests, activities, backgrounds or real-life connections.
Social Networking Service, Social Networking Site, or Social Media