5. Infection Control Flashcards
Round shape bacteria
Bacteria that can cause strep or blood poisoning
Bacteria that grows in Pairs and can cause pneumonia
Spiral or corkscrew shaped bacteria that causes Lyme disease and syphilis
A chemical process that destroys most but not necessarily all harmful organisms on environmental surfaces
Proto plasm
Bacteria generally consist of an outer cell wall containing a liquid
Binary fission
The process whereby bacteria grow to their largest size then divide into two cells
The presence of this can be a sign of bacterial infection
Local infection
Appears as a lesion containing pus and is confined to a particular part of the body
Pediculosis capitols
A condition cause by an infestation of head lice
The ability of the body to destroy resist and recognize infection
Environmental protection agency EPA
Disinfectants sold and used in the US must carry this registration number
Agency that publishes the guidelines known as standard precautions
Safety data sheet
Required to replace the MSDS
Phenolic disinfectants
Type of disinfectant with a very high PH hat can damage the skin or eyes
60 seconds
Amount of time should take for washing both hands
Intended for reducing microbes on the skin
Safety precautions
Require all employers and employees to assume that all human blood and body fluids are potentially infectious
Contains 16 categories of information
After each client
Whirlpool foot spa must circulate the disinfectant for 10 mins or the length of the time indicated on the product label
Clean paper towel
How you should dry a pipe less foot spa to kill on a surface
Accelerated hydrogen peroxide AHP
A recently approved form of disinfectant that only needs to be changed every 14 days
Safety glasses
Very important to wear with safety gloves while disinfecting non electrical tools and implements
State licensing
Enforcement and your conduct when you are working in the salon are regulated by them
Tuberculocidal disinfectant
Some are harmful to salon tools and equipment
SDS categories
First aid measures include important symptoms/ effects as well as required treatments
Qualified medical professionals
Only ones allowed to cut living skin
Fungal infections are more common here
Items that can be cleaned disinfectant and used on more than one person even if the item is accidentally exposed to blood or body fluid
The process that destroys all microbial life
Means diluted before use if found in label on a disinfection product
Quat solutions
Very effective disinfectants when used properly in the salon
Too much bleach
Can damage metal and plastic
Household bleach
5.25% sodium hypochlorite
Never let disinfectants such as phenols come in contact with this
Also considered porous
Used to identify each time a piece of equipment is used cleaned disinfected tested and maintained
Clean and disinfected
There is no additive powder or tablet that substitutes this
Must be available Becuase it poses a health risk to anyone exposed to hazardous material and violates federal and state requirements
Antimicrobial and antibacterial soaps
Are no more effective than regular soaps or detergents
Standard precautions
Guidelines for the use of gloves masks eyewear when I’m contact with blood or body secretions containing blood or blood elements
Clean covered containers
Store implements that have been properly cleaned and disinfected here
After each client
You should properly clean the basic foot basin or
Tub then add disinfectant and let it soak for 10 mins
Before beginning any service
Wash your hands by using pump soap warm water and clean disinfected nail brush
Contagious disease
A disease that is spread the from the one person to another
The one cell ex microorganism having plant and animal characteristics
Direct transmission
Transmission of blood or body fluids through touching kissing coughing sneezing and talking
Indirect transmission
Transmission of blood or body fluids through contact with an intermediate contaminated object such a as a razor extractor nipper or an environmental service
Various poisonous substances produced by microorganism
Communicable disease
Does ease that is spread from one person to another
Infectious disease
Caused by pathogenic organisms that enter the body and may or may not be spread from person to another
SDS 16 categories
Toxicology information includes routes or exposure related symptoms afire and chronic effects
Any organism of microscopic to
Submicroscopic size
Removal of blood or other potentially infectious materials on items surface
Systemic disease
Affects the whole due to under or over functioning glands or organs
Exposure incident
A condition in which the body reacts to injury irritation infectious material
Folliculitis Barbae
Scientific name for barbers itch
Organisms that grow feed or
Shelter on or in another organism
The presence of blood or other infectious materials in an items surface
Tinea pedis
Ringworm fungus on the foot
Reaction due to extreme sensitivity
Pathogenic disease
Produced by organisms including bacteria viruses fungi parasites
Occupational disease
Illnesses resulting from conditioners associated with employment
Included as part of the SDS 16 categories handling and storage lists precautions for safe handling and storage
Infection control
Method used to eliminate or reduce the transmission of infectious organisms
Bacteria that move in different ways and self movement
An abnormal condition of all or part of the body incompatible of carrying on normal functions
Ability to produce an effect
Add disinfectant
TO water when diluting to prevent foaming