5- Challenges with the ECC patient 1 Flashcards
What are the Kirby’s rule of 20
Fluid balance
Oncotic pull
Blood glucose
Electrolytes and acid-base balance
Oxygenation and ventilation
Level of consciousness and mentation
Heart rate, rhythm, contractility
RBC/Hb concentration
Renal function
Immune status, antibiotic dosage and selection, WBC count
GI motility and mucosal integrity
Drugs dosage and metabolism
Nursing care and patient mobilisation
Wound care and bandage changes
Tender loving care
Name 2 things that can cause increased blood glucose in a ECC patient
underlying disease- DM
Name 2 reasons why blood glucose can be decrease in ECC patient
hypotensive SIRS and sepsis patients
sig energy imbalance
endocrine disease
What are the mean and systolic blood pressures of hypotension
Mean below 60-65 mmHg and systolic below 90mmHg
What shoul albumin be above in a ECC patient
20g/L or 2g/ml
List 2 reasons why albumin may be low in ECC patient
GI/ renal loss
liver failure
cytokine supression in SIRS
T/F enteral is better than parenteral
What blood values make you think osmotic pull is occurring in a ECC patient
albumin 20g/l
T/F level of consciousness and mentation needs to be continually reassessed
True- and needs immediate investigation if declines
How long is the lifespan of transfused RBC in different species
Dogs and cats- relatively long
Horses- >5-7days
What does a RBC <20% suggest in ECC patient
acutely ill
What does a RBC <15% suggest in a ECC patient
Chronically ill patient
What can complicate critical illness in ECC patient
gastric stasis, ileus and gastric disease
T/F animals with liver failure should be fed a high protein diet