5: Assorted personality topics: development, neuroscience, and health (egentlig nr. 4 jf. studyguide) Flashcards
How can personality development be defined?
It can be defined as:
the continuities, consistencies and stabilities in people over time and the ways in which people change over time
What is rank order stability?
Rank order stability is the maintenance of individual position within a group
If people change compared to each other
also called relative stability
What is mean level stability?
Within a single group that has been tested on two separate occasions, any difference in group averages across the two occasions is considered a mean level change.
If people change in their levels of a feature over time
also called absolute stability
personality change has two defining qualities, which?
- the changes are typically internal to the person, not merely changes in the external surroundings, such as walking into another room.
- the changes are relatively enduring over time, rather than being merely temporary
What is a stability coefficient?
The correlations between the same measures obtained at two different points in time
also sometimes called test–retest reliability coefficients
The correlations between different measures of the same trait obtained at the same time are called xxx?
Validity coefficients
What is a longitudinal study?
A study which examine the same group of individuals over time.
What does rank order stability for personality dispositions look like in adulthood?
personality dispositions, whether the standard Big Five or other dispositions, show moderate to considerable rank order stability over time in adulthood
What does mean level stability for personality dispositions look like in adulthood?
Stability of the Big Five personality traits showed a different pattern of results for each of the traits
whilst there are some changes in personality traits depending on the trait being studied, it remains that over the most part of adulthood, personality is relatively stable
What is personality coherence?
A kind of stability.
It characterize how the same trait will be manifested in different ways at different ages
OBS! det at ryge som 11-årig vs. som 30-årig er ikke nødvendigvis udtryk for det samme, selvom adfærden er den samme.
Which kind of change (Mean-level or Rank-order) is “i’ve become more open-minded since i graduated high school”?
Mean-level change
Which kind of change (Mean level or rank order) is “My friend used to be the quietest person in class but now they are one of the most talkative”
Rank order change
At which levels can a person change?
- among everyone (population level) (fx. ift. bilforsikring)
- among a group (group level)
- depending on the individual (individual level)
does rank order stability increase or decrease as we age?
Will the relative change we see in personality be bigger or smaller the longer time in between personality assessments?
When do we stop changing our personality?
Never. but there will be periods with more change than others (like childhood, adolescence and young adulthood).
What does the concept “Niche building” consist of?
That people over time may create or seek out environments that “fit” with their personality, where that fit encourages its consistent expression.
Can we change our personality?
Maybe. There are not so many studies yet. But personality changes after interventions could be substantial (especially for emotional stability).
Which traits are useful predictors for succes in school and around the workplace?
IQ and Conscientiousness
The traits dont seem to run together
- ser ud som om at C er en kompensatorisk strategi som kan anvendes ved lavere IQ til at opnå samme udbytte
- dem med høj IQ klarer sig med mindre hårdt arbejde
Who is higher (young adults or their parents) on:
- Openness
- Conscientiousness
- Extraversion
- Agreeableness
- Emotional stability
- Narcissism
O: Young adults C: Parents E: afhænger af hvordan man ser på det A: Parents ES: Parents Narc: Young adults (seems like a developmental trend)
Agreeableness is typically negatively related to prejudices, but how does it look in disagreeable societies and why?
There will seem to be a positive correlation.
Because people in these kind of societies highly agree with the politics in the society - and therefore they can have prejudices against someone because of the politics.
Extraversion is positively correlated with drinking behavior, but why?
Alcohol is often a very social drug.
Therefore we might expect only socially consumed drugs to be a particular risk for extraverts.
To understand how personality connects to many of its outcomes you should consider the xxx
developmental context - where the person is (e.g. culture) and what other characteristics the person has