5 Flashcards
Repetitive movements or sounds (nervous coughsm flapping hands…) –> normal up to the age of 5
self-stimulatory behaviours and may present as back and forth rocking, twirling of flapping the hands. Diff from stereotypies because its specific for autism. It’s a type of sterotypie.
Term used to describe people outside the autism spectrum
Activities for daily living
- Personal hygiene – bathing/showering, grooming, nail care, and oral care
- Dressing - the ability to make appropriate clothing decisions and physically dress/undress oneself
- Eating - the ability to feed oneself, though not necessarily the capability to prepare food
- Maintaining continence toilet themselves independently
- Transferring/Mobility- moving oneself from seated to standing, getting in and out of bed, and the ability to walk independently from one location to another
number of people affected by a specific condition/disorder per 100,000 people (can also be a fraction or percentage)
1% in general pop have autism
number of new cases within a defined period of time.
3 key areas where autistic ppl have pb (symptoms)
- Social Interaction
- difficulty ‘reading’ other people: recognizing emotionsor expressing their own
- may appear insensitive, lonely or behave ‘strangely’or socially inappropriate
- Repetitive behaviour and routines are comforting
- Highly-focused interests
- Sensory over/under sensitive - Social communication
- difficulty interpreting non-/verbal language
- may have limited verbal communication skills - Rigidity of thinking and difficulties with social
- Insistence on sameness
- Difficulty with unwritten rules, broken rules
Causes of ASD
- Different brain structure and function
- Hereditary/ genetics (bs no one gene)
- Environmental causes
Diagnosis of autism
• MDT:
Speech and language therapist
• Pediatrician referral bs they wouldn’t be making the diagnosis
• Psychiatrist/psychologist assessment
Screening tools for autism
- DSM and ICD-10 criteria –
- DISCO (Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders)
- ADI-R (Autism Diagnostic Interview - Revised)
- ADOS (Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule)
adjustments that can be made
Recruitment: clear job description, pre-interview visit, less formal interview techniques
What is anorexia nervosa
Serious mental illness resulting in low body weight due to limited energy intake & sometimes excessive exercising.
causes of anorexia nervosa
Psychological factors–low self-esteem, altered body image (contributing factors–depression, perfectionism, self-harm, anxiety)
Sx and signs of anorexia nervosa
Hiding feeding habits
Counting calories, avoid eating with others
Preference to make separate meals or not eat what others are having
Languna: excsiive fine hair To preserve body heat
Tx for anorexia
• Mostly based on talking therapies to develop a healthier attitude towards food.
• Cognitive analytical therapy (CAT)
• Combination of analytical and psychotherapeutic interventions
• Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
• Family therapy
Family control of eating- famioly support child in eating again
Patient control of eating
Prevention of relapse
• In-patient treatment for poor physical health
• Maudsley Anorexia Nervosa Treatment for Adults (MANTRA).
link between autism and anorexia
• Women with ASD are at greater risk of developing anorexia• 20% of women treated for anorexia have some features of ASD
Tx autism
Behavioral management therapy. Cognitive behavior therapy. Early intervention. Educational and school-based therapies. Joint attention therapy. Medication treatment. Nutritional therapy. Occupational therapy.