5-2 articulation muscles II Flashcards
muscles of the face
divided based on orientation of muscle fibers
orbicularis oris
transverse facial muscles
angular muscles - fibers run at an angle (mouth & up)
vertical facial muscles (vertical fibers)
all facial muscles are innervated by CN VII
orbicularis oris
principle muscle acting upon the lips
origin & insertion = modiolus
closes the mouth & puckers the lips
corner of the mouth
8 muscles insert here
transverse muscles of the face
buccinator - deep
risorius - superficial
pull the lips against the teeth
compress the lips
retract corners of the lips
origin - pterygomandibular ligament (between sphenoid & mandible)
insertion - orbicularis oris
pulls the lips against the teeth
compress lips
important muscle for chewing
on top of the buccinator
origin - fascia of the masseter (surface)
insertion - modiolus
primarily retracts the corners of the mouth
smile muscle
angular muscles
labial elevators - elevate upper lip
labial depressors
levator labii superioris
origin -lower margin of the orbit of the maxillae
insertion - upper lip
elevates upper lip
levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
origin - frontal & orbital process of maxillae
insertion - lateral part of nostril & upper lip
elevate upper lip & flare nostril
Elvis Presley muscle
zygomatic minor
origin - facial process of zygomatic bone
insertion - upper portion of orbicularis orbit
elevate upper lip
zygomatic major
origin - facial process of zygomatic bone
insertion - modiolus
draw corner of mouth up & back
inferior to zygomatic minor
depressor labii inferioris
origin - oblique line of mandible
insertion - lower lip (orbicularis oris)
draw lower lip downward
vertical muscles
depressor anguli oris
levator anguli oris
compress the lips & assist in elevating & lowering them
origin - mandible
insertion - skin of the chin
elevates & wrinkles the chin, pulls lower lip out (pouting)
depressor anguli oris
origin - mandible
insertion - modiolus
depresses the corner of the mouth (frowning)
assists in lowering lips
compresses lips w/ other vertical muscles