4.3 The impact of the Montgomery bus boycott victory Flashcards
Former NAACP local secretary
Rosa Parks, refused to move when bus driver demanded that she gives up her seat for yt man.
E.D Nixon union leader, presd of Alabama’s NAACP=
Organizer of Montogomery bus boycott
King to break the back of seg, king mobilized the
B.A peasantry in the south. He appealed to their deeply held Christian faith by promising brotherhood with yts, not retribution. Jesus’ weapon of love.
3 objectives
Direct bus drivers to treat black Americans riders courteously
Make seating available on first come first serve basis
Hire black bus drivers for black routes.
Boycott lasted for
380 days, observing the rules of nonviolent protests and media attention grew in that time
In 1956, SC ruled against
seg on buses in Browder V Gayle
21st Dec 1956, Montgomery
Desegrated their buses.
Why? Longer term causes:
✔ Impact of WW2 – greater consciousness of inequalities. Rosa Parks member of NAACP since 1943
✔ Inspired by NAACP worker Ella Baker.
✔ Groups ben challenging bus seg for previous 10 years. Boycotts not new e.g., boycotts pf streetcars though south 1900-06. Louisiana – boycott changed rules to a first come, first served basis.
✔ (Influence of CORE. Organized bus boycotts, in NY in 1940s)
Shorter Term causes:
✔ Brown decision 1954 – confidence to challenge other aspects of segregation.
✔ NAACP wanted to challenge regulations – looking for good cases – rosa parks came through
Dec 1955, rosa parks and 3 other black passengers told to move so yt passengers can sit. She refused, arrested, charged w violating bus regulations, fined $10
What does the Montgomery Bus Boycott tell us about… Importance of campaigns
Importance of campaigns
NAACP had planned the boycott, selected Rosa Parkes. With MIA, brought case to Supreme Court (Browder v Gayle). Reinforced NAACP’s role of using courts to challenge and win rights.
Inspired more links between N & S B.A and whites.
Inspired other boycotts in 20 southern cities.
What does the Montgomery Bus Boycott tell us about… Importance of individuals – Rosa Parkes
Arrested for refusing to move from her seat.
See above for reasons why Parks was ‘chosen’ by the NAACP.
Personalised the issue.
What does the Montgomery Bus Boycott tell us about… Launched Martin Luther King as a national Civil Rights figure
Newly appointed minister of Dexter Avenue Baptist Church
Great speaker. Non-violent (supporter of Gandhi)
SCLC set up in 1957 (Southern Christian Leadership Conference)
What does the Montgomery Bus Boycott tell us about… Significance of economic pressure leading to change
Bus companies soon losing out due to no black passengers. OVER 75% of riders were black, + 90% of those joined the boycott, = crippling bus companies
What does the Montgomery Bus Boycott tell us about… Importance of mass movement to bring about change.
MIA set up. Organised car pools.