Plessy V Ferguson 1896
1) key terms of the case?
2) Court decision?
3) Justice John Harlan?
4) Impact on seg?
1) key terms of the case? = challenged Louisiana law 1890 ‘separate but equal’ accommodation on railroads for B + non-YT ppl
2) Court decision? SC upheld legal seg = ‘both races received separate but equal protection of law’ = Practice no contravene 14A
Court Argued = Seg facilities posed no problems as long as facilities equal.
Justice Henry Billings Brown gov was pwrless to stop individual views on racial discrimination + belief B inferior.
3) Justice John Harlan idk
4) Impact on seg? Led to widespread Jim Crow laws in south. Supported legal seg and this remained the sc view until the 1954 case of Brown V board of education, Kansas.
= SC ruled it as constitutional
Importance of William V Mississippi 1898?
1) key terms of the case?
2) Court decision?
3) Impact on seg?
Mississippi SC dealt with changes made to the constitutional in 1890.
1) reviewed provisions of the state constitution that set requirements for voter registration.
2) The Supreme Court did not find discrimination in the state’s requirements for voters to pass a literacy test and pay poll taxes, as these were applied to all voters= legal
3) Legalised the disenfranchisement of B.A voters
Cumming V Richmond County Board of Edu 1899
1) key terms of the case?
2) Court decision?
3) Impact on seg in edu?
SC ruled 9-0- upheld decision board of education board =did not violate any constitutional rights when it decided to discontinue high-school services for 60 African American students in order to provide elementary education for 300 African American students.
2) BoE not racially motivated. Court claimed Ware high skl pay $10 yr they could get priv edu
3) extended ‘separate but equal protection of the law’ to edu
- allowed states set up seg skls - 1950s
- sc did not condemn states + SC ensured B.A treated 2nd class Citizens.
The use of Violence -
All YT groups declined following the end of Reconstruction (kkk act 1871) but what still happened?
Random violence by YT Americans against B.A occured well into 20th C
The use of Violence -
What was the average of lynching of B.A every yr -1890s
187 lynching of B.A - 3 every week
The use of Violence -
how do uno the violence was normalised?
ppl gathered to watch wtf
The use of Violence -
What did IDA WELLS study concluded about the violence against B.A?
- talking dis to YT
- Slapping YT boy
- Insulating letter
- Being too prosperous
- Rumour - rape YT women
The use of Violence -
How many ppl gathered to witness The lynching of?
What the cause?
Henry Smith
10,000 ppl gathered to watc
- Accused murdering YT girl
Tortured, hot irons poked in the eyes
The use of Violence -
why was photographs taken?
= create fear , intimidate, inform?
Resulting in the consistent fear of random violence + murder = made it difficult for B.A stand up to the intro legal seg + Acts of Discrmination