43. Occupational Health Nursing Flashcards
What is the overall goal of occupational health?
to promote health and prevent occupational illness and injury
List 3 outcomes of improving health of workforce
- decrease in use of sick time
- less worker compensation claims
- decrease use of group health coverage
What are the nurses roles in occupational health?
- assess risks for work-related injury
- plan/delivery health and safety education in workplace
- collaborate w/ community health providers
- facilitate health promotion activities
- act as a clinician, case manager, and educator
3 parts of the epidemiological model
- host
- agent
- environment
all employed individuals and groups at risk of being exposed to occupational hazards and characteristics of the workers
host (epidemiological model)
occupational exposures that are classified as biological, chemical, environmental, physical, or psychosocial
agent (epidemiological model)
workplace conditions such as temp extremes, crowding, shift work, and inflexible management styles
environment (epidemiological model)
5 types of agents in the workplace
- biological (viruses/bacteria etc.)
- chemical (smoke, cleaning material)
- mechanical (MSK strains)
- physical (temp, noise, radiation, lighting)
- psychological (stress, burnout, violence)
3 types of environmental factors
- physical
- social
- psychological
primary prevention in the workplace
- teaching and providing information
- immunizations
secondary prevention in the workplace
- identify workplace hazards
- health surveillance
- screenings
- prompt treatment
- counseling and referral
tertiary prevention in the workplace
- restoration of health
- limited duty programs
3 parts of a worker assessment
- occupation health hx
- exposure to hazards
- opportunity to teach preventative measures
How is a workplace assessment performed?
worksite walk-through or survey
used to decrease possible further exposures after investigations into work-related illness or injury
control strategies
6 types of control strategies
- altering work practices
- providing PPE
- monitoring
- employee assistance programs
- job task analysis
- risk management and emergency preparedness
5 ways to prevent work related injuries
- provide safety and health education programs
- develop policies to promote safety
- develop strategies to prevent injuries
- know OSHA standards
- work w/ legislation that promotes workers health