4.2 Recruitment & Selection of Employees Flashcards
When a business starts selling new products in new markets
The proportion of a business’ workforce who remain with the business over a period of time, usually a year.
The process of finding and appointing new employees.
Choosing the right employees from among those who have applied for a job
Internal recruitment
Takes place when a job vacancy is filled from within an existing workforce
External recruitment
Filling a job vacancy from any suitable person not already employed by the business
Job analysis
The collection and interpolation of information about a job
Job description
Information about the duties and tasks that make up a particular job
Person specification
Sets out the qualifications and skills required by an employee to fill a particular job
Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Provides information about a person, including qualifications, employment history and interests.
The quantity of goods or services produced by an employee over a period of time, such as one year.
The extent to which customers’ requirements are met.
Customer service
The part of a business’s activities that is concerned with meeting their needs as fully as possible
Contract of employment
Legal document stating the hours of work, rates of pay, duties and other conditions under which a person is employed.
Full-time employment
When someone works a number of hours equal to the working week, usually 35-40 hours.
Part-time employment
When an employee works for fewer than the normal number of working hours per week
Job share
When two or more employees agree to share the responsibilities of a single job.
Zero hours contract
Allows employees to hire staff without any guaranteed hours of work.