400-26 Conducted Energy Devices Flashcards
Drive stun.
Secondary option
If there is an expectation of participation is an arrest situation
CED shall be worn
CED Use not permitted
A) display In an unsafe unprofessional manner
B) passive resistance
C) use around gas fumes or other chemicals
D) from a moving vehicle or at a moving vehicle
E) mounted patrol shall not discharge a CED from horseback
CED cycling shall be _______ when a person is experiencing excited delirium
Kept to a minimum
How many people can cycle at a time?
Unintentional discharge in non-field situations with no injuries
Supervisor forward correspondence to the officer’s division commander outlining circumstances
Officers shall note all of the above when CED is discharged
Number if trigger activations
Location where darts or drive stun happened
Identify the person who removed the darts (name and affiliation)
Download BWC before going off duty
Supervisor who responds to CED scene
Check for injuries
Contact HFD if person injured or darted in a sensitive area or sustained secondary injuries
If scene involves dead- notify command center
Supervisor must Forward CED incident checklist , significant event report, CED download data, email confirmation, incident report, supplement reports to
Division commander
How does a supervisor supplement CED incidents?
Using the CED supplement template including:
G) name and employee number of officers discharging CED
H) location of darts or drive stun
I) name and affiliations of person who removed the darts
J) medical condition and where suspect was transported
K) make, model, serial number of CED and serial number of air cartridges used.
L) CED download data
Who does the command center contact in the event of SBI or death
Homicide and IAD
Division commanders
Are to review all CED incidents and CED checklists generated by personal under their command
CED discharge outside of the city limits
Local law enforcement
Medical personnel
Command center
What unique air cartridge number that correlates with the _____ shall be documented in all CED incident reports
Anti-felon identification (AFID)
When are CED probes tagged as evidence?
Darted in sensitive areas or sustained SBI
Suspect sustained secondary injuries needing medical treatment
Officer sustained injury and needing medical treatment
Officer believes CED evidence will be needed for future investigation or hearing
CED probes
Considered used needles or “sharps”
Medical personnel should come to scene and remove darts rather than an officer trained to remove if
A) sensitive area
B) dart too deep
C) adverse reaction
D) significant secondary injury
What shall be entered into RMS if a person is darted or drive stunned
“CED Event”
How long is documentation for 5 second spark tests kept
Minimum 90 calendar days
Ej officers shall conduct spark test out of public view
Officers not mandated to carry a CED shall conduct a spark test
At least once a week
If no moister found in battery well and all components completely dry
Ensure components are dry for at least 24 hours before putting the battery back in
If the CED is now dry conduct a
Spark test in front of a supervisor
- a rapid pulse should occur and the electronic discharge should stop after five seconds
- supervisor shall document on a roll call sheet
How often shall Division Commanders Ensure data is downloaded and checked for abuse and functionality?
Twice per year
Who conducts random periodic audits?
Division commander
When shall medical personnel be immediately summoned to the scene if any of the following are true.
A) a person is darted in a sensitive area
B) a dart is too deeply embedded for easy removal
C) the person exhibits an adverse reaction
D) the person has a significant secondary injury
Body cavity searches may be conducted only subsequent to an arrest when there is ______ that weapons, contraband, or other evidence of a crime has been concealed in a body cavity
Probable cause
If the suspect does not give consent and there is ________ that a weapon or contraband is being concealed, the supervisor shall contact the district attorney’s office to determine if the facts support an exigency that would serve as an exception to the warrant requirement
Reasonable suspicion to believe
If the DWI prisoner has already given a sample of breath, the prisoner MAY request a blood sample be drawn by a person of the suspect’s own choosing of all of the following conditions are met
A) the sample is taken by a physician registered nurse, or qualified technicians
B) the prisoner agrees to pay for the expense of the drawing and analysis of the sample
C) the blood sample is taken within two hours following the arrest
d. The person drawing the blood sample must come to the prisoner to take the sample. The person must also furnish the required equipment to properly take the sample.
e. The officer shall obtain one of the specimens drawn as evidence to be tested by the department. The specimen shall be tagged according to HPD policy set forth in regards to
any other blood specimen drawn