4- Pelvic Limb Muscles Flashcards
Label the diagram
1) Superficial gluteal m.
2) Middle gluteal m.
Label the hip rotators
1) internal obturator
2) Gemelli (cranial and caudal)
3) External Obturator
4) Quadratus femoris
Label the diagram
1) Biceps femoris
2) Semimembranosis
3) semitendinosus
What is the OIA of biceps femoris?
O: Saccrum, sacrosciatic lig, ischatic tuberosity
I: Fascia, patella, lateral patellar lig., common calcanean tendon
A: Extend the coxal joint, variable action on genual joint, extend the tarsocrural joint
**remember biceps femoris is on the caudal side of the pelcic limb
What is the OIA of semitendinosus m.?
O: Sacrum, sacrosciatic lig, ischial tuber
I: Medial aspect of the tibia and common calcanean tendon
A: Extend the coxal joint, variable cation on the genial joint, extend the tarsocrural joint (hock)
What is the OIA of semimembranosus?
O: Sacrum, sacrosciatic lig., ischial tuber
I: Medial collateral lig, medial epicondyle, medial tibial condyle
A: hip extensor, stifle flexor
What nerve innervates semimembranosus
Sciatic n.
Label these adductors
1) Sartorius (only one head in horses)
2) Pectineus
3) Adductor
4) Gracilis
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates sartorius m.?
O: Psoas fascia and tendon
I: Medial structures of stifle
A: Flex the coxal joint
N: saphenous
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates Gracilis?
O: Pecten pubis, ischial arch.
I: Cranial border of the tibia
A: Adduct pelvic limb, extend the tarsocrural joint
N: Obturator
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates adductor m.?
O: Symphiseal tendon (floor of pelvis)
I: Caudal aspect of femur and medial epicondyle
A: Adduct the pelvic limb, extend the coxal joint
N: Obturator
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates pectineus m.?
O: Margin of pubis
I: Caudal aspect of femur and medial epicondyle
A: Adduct pelvic limb and flex hip
N: Obturator
Label heads of quadriceps femoris (4 heads)
1) Vastus medialis
2) Rectus femoris
3) Vastus laterialis
**Vastus intermedius not pictured
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates the 4 heads of quadriceps femoris m.?
O: Rectus femoris- ileum
O: Vastus: craniolateral and craniomedial femoral aspect
I: Patella and tibial tuberosity via patellar ligament
A: Stifle extension (hip flexion)
N: Femoral n.
Which muscle?
Cranial tibial
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates cranial tibial m.?
O: Lateral condyle of tibia
I: Metatarsal tuberosity (dorsal branch) and tarsus I & II (medial branch or “cuenean tendon”
A: Flexion of the hock (tarsus)
N: Fibularis
Which muscle?
Long digital extensor m.
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates long digital extensor m?
O: Distolateral aspect of the femur
I: Extensor process of the distal phalanx
A: Extensor of the digit and flexion of the hock (tarsus)
N: Fibularis n.
Which muscle?
Lateral digital extensor
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates lateral digital extensor m.?
O: Lateral collateral ligament of stifle
I: Joins the long digital extensor tendon
A: Extensor of the digit and flexion of the hock (tarsus)
N: Fibularis
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates Fibularis tertius m.?
O: Distolateral aspect of femur
I: Dorsal surface of tarsal III and metatarsal III (dorsal branch) and calcaneus and tarsal IV (lateral branch)
A: Flexion of the hock (tarsus) (reciprocal mechanism)
N: Fibularis
Label the diagram
1) Soleus m.
2) Gastrocnemius
3) Popliteus
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates Popliteus, gastrocnemius, and soleus mm.?
O: Supracondylar tuberosities of femur
I: Calcanean tendon on calcanean tuberosity
A: Extension of the hock, bear weight of tibia
N: Tibialis
Which muscle?
Superficial Digital Flexor
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates SDF?
O: Supracondylar fossa of femur
I: Plantar proximal and middle phalanxes
A: Flexion of digit except distal interphalangeal joint, extension of the hock
N: Tibial
Label the diagram
1) Peroneous tertius
Which two muscles make up the reciprocal apparatus?
Peroneous tertius and SDF
What is colored in blue?
Distal part of SDF tendon
***No proximal check ligament, different from thoracic limb
Which 5 muscles contribute to the common calcanean tendon?
Biceps femoris
Label the diagram
1) Calcanean bursa
2) SDF Tendon
Which muscle is starred?
What is the OIA and nerve that innervates DDF?
O: Lateral condyle of tibia and caudal proximal surface of tibia
I: Flexor surface of distal phalanx
A: Flexion of digit
N: Tibialis
Label the diagram
1) SDF tendon
2) Calcaneal bursa
3) Tarsal sheath
4) DDF tendon
5) “Cunean ligament” and bursa
Label the diagram
1) Cunean tendon
2) Proximal extensor retinaculum
3) Long digital extensor
4) Middle extensor retinaculum
5) Distal extensor retinaculum
Explain the mechanism and purpose of the stay apparatus
Patella is brought proximally over the medial trochlear ridge of the femur and “locks” in place
The distal limb soft tissue structures prevent hyper extension and collapse of MCP, PIP, and DIP joints, allowing the horse to stand the majority of the time without exerting a lot of energy