15- Equine Digestive System Flashcards
1) Fundus
2) Body
3) Pylorus
4) Cardia
What is the capacity of a horse stomach?
5-15 liter
Green ?
Margot plicatus
What is the purpose of the Margot plicatus in horse stomachs?
Separates the glandular and nonglandular stomach
The stomach connects the ______ and ______ cranially
Diaphragm and liver
The stomach is attached to the spleen on the left by the __________ ___________.
Gastrosplenic ligament
The greater omentum connects the greater curvature of the stomach and the initial part of the duodenum with what?
The terminal part of the large colon and the initial part of the small colon
Lesser omentum
What structures does the lesser omentum connects?
Lesser curvature of the stomach and the first part of the duodenum with the liver
Epiploic foramen
What is the epiploic foramen?
Naturally occurring opening leading into the omental bursa
Duodenum is found where?
Dorsal on the horses RIGHT side
List the parts of the duodenum (including flexures)
Cranial duodenal flexure
Descending duodenum
Caudal duodenal flexure
Ascending duodenum
Duodenaljejunal flexure
Duodenocolic fold
Where is the jejunum located?
Located from the left paralumbar fossa to the ventral abdominal floor
The mesojejunum surrounds what?
Cranial mesenteric artery (aka root of the mesentery)
What are Tania?
Longitudinal smooth muscle
What are haustra?
Sacculations created by taenia
(What shaped poop)
List the components of the large intestine in order
Right ventral colon
Sternal flexure
Left ventral colon
Pelvic flexure
Left dorsal colon
Diaphragmatic flexure
Right dorsal flexure
Identify components of ventral midline topography
Identify cross sections of the equine intestines
1) Right dorsal colon
2) right ventral colon
Green arrows and 9 and 10?
Cranial part of the duodenum, in horses it is s-shaped and called the sigmoid flexure
9) major duodenal papilla
10) minor duodenal papilla
1) Ileum
2) ilocecal fold
What is 1 2 and 3?
1) base of cecum
2) body of cecum
3) apex of cecum
Identify the numbered structures
2) cecum
9) right ventral colon
8) right dorsal colon
7) liver
List the number of taenia for the cecum, ventral colon, left dorsal colon, right dorsal colon, transverse colon, and descending colon.