20- Urogenital 2 (Female Repro) Flashcards
The vulva should be oriented in ______ to _______ fashion.
Dorsal to ventral
What is considered poor confirmation of the vulva?
Vulva recessed towards the anus
What is a windsucker (pneumovagina)?
Confirmational defect of the mare
- vulvar lips do not properly appose allowing air to be sucked into the vagina
- can also leads to fecal contamination of the vagina
- corrected with caslicks surgery
Which nerve provides sensory innervation to the rectum, internal and external reproductive organs, and the perineal skin?
Which nerve provides motor innervation to the striated perineal musculature?
The pudendal nerve arises from S__-S__ in ruminants and S___-S___ in horses
S2 or 3 to S4
Caudal epidurals are placed in the ___________ space or the first _________ space
sacrococcygeal (S5-C1)
coccygeal (C1-C2)
What is the vestibule?
The caudal most portion of the internal repro tract, connecting the vagina to the vulva
Where is the clitoris located?
Located near the ventral commissure of the vulva
Which muscles are responsible for the clitoral wink?
Clitoral retractor muscle and vulvar constrictor muscles
Where is the cervix located?
immediately cranial to the vagina
The uterus can be divided into what parts?
divided into body and two horns
What structure does this define- A fold of peritoneum responsible for suspending the female repro tract within the abdomen
Broad ligament
The broad ligament is broken into 3 portions. What are they and where are they located?
Mesosalpinx: encompasses the uterine tube
Mesovarium: Attaches the ovary to the dorsolateral abdominal wall
Mesometrium: Attaches the uterine body and horns to the dorsolateral body wall. also includes uterine vessels
What is fremitus?
vibration felt in the middle uterine artery during pregnancy in cows
How is the location of the mare vs cow and sow ovaries different?
Mare- lie caudal to the kidneys in the sublumbar region
Cow and sow- lie at the pelvic inlet
How is the cervix different between species?
Mares- simple cervix that bulges into the vagina, forming a distinct vaginal recess
Ruminants and sows- long cervixes with transverse folds that interdigitate with each other
- sows have corkscrew cervixes
Ovaries are ______ in mares than in cattle
This is the location for which epidural?
This is the location for which epidural?
1) Ovary
2) uterine tube
3) Uterine horn
4) Uterine body
5) Cervix
6) Vagina
1) Ovary
- 1’ uterine horn
3) Uterine horn
4) Uterine body
6) Vaginal part of the cervix
7) Fornix
8) Vagina
9) Vestibule
- 9’ wall of vestibule
10) Vulva
Label the portions of the broad ligament
1) Mesometrium
2) Mesosalpinx
3) Mesovarium
A ruminant c-section is typically done with the animal standing or recumbent and on which side?
Standing animal in the left flank
A c-section in a sow is done with the sow recumbent or standing?
Right lateral recumbent with the left leg lifted
In a sow c-section, where do you do the incision and why?
Paramedian incision closer to the uterine body because the uterine body is longer than in ruminants, and more forgiving
- this allows more exploration of uterine horns