4-6 months Flashcards
4 month overview - symmetry
Symmetry of orientation and movement - balance flex/ext
4 month - core stability forming
Scapular stability forming
Rib cage descending and more stable
Pelvic stability - abdominal and gluteal co activation
4 month more
Visual activity inc Inc use of UEs Exploration especially with mouth Ant and post pelvic tilts Rolling
4 month old - prone Trunk
Extension - trunk and hips Caudal weight shift Ribcage development - desending Landau reactions begin - pivot prone Abdominal strengthening
4 month old - able to
Flex head on extended cervical spine
improved ocular control/head control/vestibular system
4 month old - supine skills
ATNR = integrated
Symmetrical actions/midline orientation
4 month old - supine skills head
Greater head control
Maintain midline’chin tucked
4 month old - supine - visually
Torticollis - what happens if the baby has muscle tightness
Positioning in utero
Positioning as infant
Positions during sleep - sleeping in swing (GERD)
Asymmetry in strength
Abnormal postural development - low muscle tone, neuro disorders
4 month old - UEs - supine
Bilateral symmetrical control
Hold hands at midline
4 month old - LEs - supine
Some kicking, but often to midline while UEs are in midline play
4 month old - sidelying
Tactile/proprioceptive/visual/vestib input
Once balance of cervical flex and ext will see more rotation and lateral flexion
4 month old - pull to sit - cervical flexion
Midline orientation
Minimal to no lag present
4 month old - UE development - Reaching
2 handed hold
No controlled release - grasp reflex
Mouthing object
Better control when given proximal stability
Reach consists of pronation, wrist extension, primitive ulnar grasp
4 month old - sitting
the more that they are supported the better their trunk functioning and the more they can use their arms for function
4 month old - positive support
Varaible of when they will take weight through legs/positive support
4 month old - standing - head
Forward in relationship to the hip
4 months old - standing - trunk
Symmetrical with weight anterior
4 month old - sanding - arms
Respond to type of support
4 motnh old - pelvis - standing
Ant pelvic tilt
4 month old - LEs - standing
Active glute/quads for hip/knee ext
Tow curling - plantar grasp
4 month old - sensory
Babble and change pitch for longer duration
Anticipate food by opening mouth
Seeing color and prefers red and blue of grey
Depth perception starts to develop
Teeth may be coming in
5 month old overview -
Continued balance of flex/ext
Stability - co contraction develops
Self calming
Palmar grasp
5 month old - prone
Co contraction at scapular
5 month old - POE
Extension lacking glut max
5 month old - Pivot prone/Landau
Sufficient core strength to move all extremities
To be good = progressive muscle balance btw flex and ext
5 month old - plantigrade
Hands and feet - like downward dog
5 month old - Forward
Will start to see crawling - uncoordinated though
5 month old - supine
ABle to reach forward
Hands to midline or midline object
Able to pass objects btw hands
5 month old - patterns
Start to see some cross diagonal patterns
5 month old - sidelying
More stability in sidelying
Foot to mouth - may even be putting their foot in mouth to explore their feet
5 month old - pull to sit
Visual fixing
Cervical flex
Chin tuck is not completely present
5 month old - prop sitting
Ring sitting
May start to see this emerge
5 month old - supported sitting
Rotation with supported at pelvis
5 month old - sensory/cognitive
Imitates faces
vocalizes to interrupt others conversation
Looks for dropped object
Limited exposure to UE WB and reaching activities during first 6 months may most directly affect
Protective reactions
6 month old - supine
Cervical flexion with chin tuck - SCM
Reach is dissociated and coordinated with eye mvt
6 months - supine - head
Actively tuck the chin/lift head
6 months - supine - trunk
Synergistic thorax and abdominal activation
6 months - supine UEs
Reaching and grasping have greater control
Manipulation of objects
6 motnhs - supine - LE
Active hip flex occurs with greater active adduction
Hands to feet play
6 months - prone
Landau - full supine ext
6 months - prone on hands
Thoracic ext
Fingers may still be flexed, as hands open - WB on lateral surface of palm - development of palmar arches
6 months old - rolling supine to prone
Cervical lateral flexion - facilitates trunk lateral flexion
6 months old - also see them able to maintain
can start creeping at this time too
6 month old - 3 point
LE dissociation
At 6 months just beginning this movement
6 months old - return to sit
Lateral flexion to the unweighted side and elongation to the weighted side
Name it to the elongated side
6 months old - equilibrium reactions
All to keep the torso upright/antigravity
6 month old - unsupported sitting
Reaching for toys
UE - protective reactions
Independent or with UE propping
May initiate trunk rotation in sitting
6 motnh old - high guard
UE in abd/ER position with elbow flexion
As they get better at stabilizing move to mid guard (at shoulder level) and then low guard (below shoulder level)
6 month old - ring sit
Spinal extension with downward gaze and chin tuck
6 month old - supported stance
Good WB - stomping
In ventral suspension will see buttock dimples of glut max (in prone)
6 month old - sensory/cognitive
Turn when name is called
Raise voice to call for parents or at them