4 Flashcards
Mechanism of action for Cyanide is?
- Binds to iron in the ferric state Fe3+
- Inactivates reduction/oxidation reaction Fe2+/Fe3+
- Hypoxia keeps iron in Fe3+
- Prevention of formation of ATP
Sources and therapy of ethylene glycol intoxication?
Antifreeze (cars and radiators)
Therapy aim:
1. Decrease absorption
2. Increasing excretion of unmetabolized ethylene glycol
3. Preventing metabolism - 4methylpyrazole (4-MP) inactivates alcohol bicarbonate, i.v. or ethanol
4. Correcting the metabolic acidosis - administration of sodium bicarbonate, i.v.
Classification of rodenticides?
Inorganic rodenticide
* Zinc phosphate
* Elemental phosphorus
* Thallium sulphate
* Oxide arsenite
Organic rodenticide
* Coumarin rodenticide - warfarin and superwarfarin
* Fluororacetates
* Alphanapthylthiourea (ANTU)
* Alphachloralosa
* Endrin
* Bromethaline
* Cholecalciferol
* Compounds of plant origin - Strychnine and sea onion
Also divided by:
-Single dose
Write down the most important chelating agents used in the therapy of heavy metals?
- BAL - dimercaprol
- CaEDTA - Calcium Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetate
Write down the typical clinical symptoms and post mortem picture in warfarin intoxication?
* Bleeding, internal and external
* Bleeding from the natural body openings
* Anaemia (Pale mucous membranes)
* Weak, fast pulse
* Subnormal body temperature
* Respiratory difficulty
* Death (5-7 days after poisoning)
* Presence of well developed hematomata in the soft tissues or large quantities of blood in the GIT may be expected
* Blood in the heart and vessels will be poorly clotted or not clotted
Absorption and retention of copper in the body are influenced by?
- The amount of molybdenum and sulphate taken in at the same time
- This is due to the mutual relationship that exists between the metabolism of copper and that of molybdenum and sulphate
Write down 2 groups of insecticides of which mechanism of action is inhibition of enzyme acetyl cholinesterase?
- Organophosphates
- Carbamates
Write down the advantages of pyretroids?
- More effective at killing insects than pyrethrins
- Are used in low application concentrations
- In natural ecosystems they undergo quick degradation mainly by soil MO’s
Write down 3 groups of symptoms in organophosphate intoxication?
- Muscarinic effects
- Nicotinic effects
- CNS signs
ANTU acts?
- After ingestion
- Compound is present in blood and increases the permeability of lung capillaries that causes pulmonary oedema
- Accumulation of serous transudate in the lung alveoli
Mechanism of action of Zn3P2 in the stomach?
- In the acid environment of the stomach or in contact with water, hydrogen phosphide (PH3) is released from zinc phosphide
Zn3P2 + 6HCl -> 2PH3 + 3ZnCl2
- Zinc phosphide
- Hydrochloric acid
- Hydrogen phosphide
- Zinc chloride