3rd Written Sim Flashcards
What are the 3 initial hypothesis’s based on the following symptoms:
–Lateral/anterior shoulder pain w/ overhead activities or exhibiting a painful arc
- -Subacromial impingement
- -Tendinitis
- -Bursitis
What are the 2 initial hypothesis’s based on the following symptoms:
–Instability, apprehension, and pain w/ action, especially w/ shoulder abducted and externally rotated
- -Shoulder instability
- -Possible Labral tear if clicking
What is the initial hypothesis based on the following symptoms:
–Patient falls on shoulder followed by AC joint pain
AC joint sprain
What is the initial hypothesis based on the following symptoms:
–Decreased ROM w/ pain during resistance
Rotator cuff or bicep tendon involvement
What is the initial hypothesis based on the following symptoms:
–Pain and weakness w/ muscle loading, night pain age > 60
Rotator cuff
What is the initial hypothesis based on the following symptoms:
–Poorly located shoulder pain, occasionally extending into elbow, pain aggravated by movement, loss of movement age > 45, females more affected
Adhesive capsule this
If you suspect a SLAP Lesion, what are 3 tests you should utilize?
- -Bicep Load Test
- -O’Briens Test
- -Active Compression Test
If you suspect a Rotator Cuff Tear, what are 5 tests you could use?
- -Full Can
- -Empty Can
- -External Rotation Lag Sign
- -Hornblower’s Sign
- -Belly Press Test
What is the procedure for External Rotation Lag Sign?
- -Elbow flexed to 90*
- -Passively externally rotate the arm
- -Arm should remain in external rotation
What is a positive External Rotation Lag Sign and what does it mean?
Arm lags back
–Infraspinatus tear
What is the procedure for Hornblower’s Sign?
Patient put hand to mouth and extend elbow above mouth
What is a positive Hornblower’s Sign and what does it indicate?
Patient is unable to raise elbow above mouth
–Teres Minor tear
What is the procedure for Belly Press?
Patient pushes arm against bell while DR tries to pull arm away
What is a positive Belly Press and what does it indicate?
Patient doesn’t provide resistance to DR
–Subscapularis problem
What type of SLAP lesion is this:
–Fraying of and degeneration of superior labrum
Type 1
What type of SLAP lesion is this:
- -Fraying of and degeneration of superior labrum
- -Biceps anchor detachment
Type 2 (Most common)
What type of SLAP lesion is this:
–More of a bucket handle tear of labrum, intact bicep tendon
Type 3
What type of SLAP lesion is this:
–Bucket handle tear of labrum w/ extension of tear into biceps tendon
Type 4
What is the best test for diagnosing Shoulder Instability?
Apprehension test w/ relocation
What are the 2 initial hypothesis’s based on the following symptoms:
–Pain over lateral elbow during gripping
- -Lateral epicondylitis
- -Radial Tunnel Syndrome
What is the initial hypothesis based on the following symptoms:
–Pain over medial elbow during wrist flexion and pronation
Medial epicondylitis