vimen viminis
(flexible) branch; twig n
stramen straminis
straw; litter; n
fulgor fulgoris
brightness, brilliance, radiance m
inferiae inferiarum
offerings to the dead; rites in honour of the dead f
bellator bellatoris
warrior, fighter m
insigne insignis
decoration, trappings; sign/badge of distinction n
orsa orsorum
words, utterances; undertakings n
bipennis bipennis
two edged axe; battle axe; f
caligo caliginis
gloom; darkness; obscurity f
clangor clangoris
noise; blare; crying, clamour m
sus suis
pig, sow c
pecus pecudis
sheep; head of cattle f
fragor fragoris
breaking; roar, crash; m
faux faucis
gullet, throat, jaws f
fons fontis
spring, fountain; source m
venator venatoris
hunter; m
navale navalis
dock n
turbo turbinis
that which whirls; whirlwind, tornado; m
vertex verticis
whirlpool; top, summit m
vellus velleris
fleece; n
sal salis
salt; wit; m
incus incudis
anvil f
Hector Hectoris
Hector (son of Priam and Hecuba, husband of Andromache, the bravest of the Trojans, slain and dragged three times around Troy by Achilles) m
nuntatio onis
announcement of an omen (out of the blue during an event) f
diadema, diadematis
diadem/crown; ornamental headband; dominion n