vivax vivacis
long-lived, lively, vigorous
mas maris
male; masculine; brave;
volucer volucris e
winged; flying; swift; fleeting;
senex senis
aged, old;
miserabilis is e
wretched, miserable, pitiable;
memor memoris
remembering; mindful (of w/GEN), grateful;
dedecor dedecoris (or dedecorus a um)
navalis is e
naval, of ships
florens florentis
blooming; flowery, bright; prosperous;
familiaris is e
domestic; of family; intimate; (familiaris res = one’s property or fortune)
civilis is e
of/affecting fellow citizens; civil; public
incredibilis is e
incredible; extraordinary;
insciens inscientis
unknowing, unaware;
humilis is e (humillimus)
lowly, humble, poor
praesens praesentis
present; at hand; propitious;
communis is e
common, public; general; ordinary; sociable
innocens innocentis
harmless; virtuous
primipilaris is e
of first maniple/centurion
inanis is e
void, empty; vain, foolish;
pertinax pertinacis
persevering, obstinate;;
militaris is e
military; of a soldier
servilis is e
servile, of slaves;
fidens fidentis
confident; bold;
infelix infelicis
unfortunate, unhappy; inauspicious;
alacris is e
eager; courageous; happy