anguis anguis
snake c
aquilo aquilonis
the north wind m
auctor auctoris
originator, giver, herald; author, do-er c (father m)
auris auris
ear f
axis axis
axis, axle, chariot; sky, (vault of) heaven m
cervix cervicis
neck f
cor cordis
heart n
crinis crinis
hair m
cruor cruoris
blood, gore m
cubile cubilis
bed n
Cupido Cupidis
Cupid; desire, passion m
cuspis cuspidis
spear, javelin f
decus decoris
honour, glory; beauty n
ensis ensis
sword m
fax facis
torch, flame; fire of love f
fores forum
door (of house) fpl
fors fortis
chance, luck, fortune f
frons frondis
foliage, leaves, leafy branch f
frons frontis
forehead, brow; front f
fulmen fulminis
lightning, thunderbolt n
funus funeris
funeral, death n
genetrix genetricis
mother f
genitor genitoris
father m
gramen graminis
grass n
grex gregis
flock, herd m