accedo, accedere, accessi, accessus
approach; agree with; be added to (w/ad or in + ACC); constitute
suffero, sufferre, sustuli, sublatus
bear, endure, suffer
inpono ere (/impono)
impose upon, put upon; establish
fingo, fingere, finxi, fictus
invent; contrive; modify; pretend, counterfeit
pergo, pergere, perrexi, perrectus
go on, proceed
corrumpo, corrumpere, corrupi, corruptus
spoil, undo, corrupt, beguile; falsify;
compono, componere, composui, compositus (/conpono)
compare; collate, build; compose; settle;
succedo, succedere, successi, successus
go (from) under; ascend; approach; advance; follow (on)
perago, peragere, peregi, peractus
disturb; kill;, complete
incedo, incedere, incessi, incessus
advance, march; approach; walk
plango, plangere, planxi, planctus
strike; bewail; mourn;
inpello, inpellere, inpuli, inpulsus
drive, impel; overthrow;
figo, figere, fixi, fixus
fasten; pierce; establish;
obruo, obruere, obrui, obrutus
cover up, bury; overwhelm; crush;
tero, terere, trivi, tritus
rub, wear away (time or other); tread;