destituo, destituere, destitui, destitutus
fix/set (in position); leave destitute; abandon; fail
eligo, eligere, elegi, electus
pick out, choose;
transcendo, transcendere, transcendi, transcensus
climb/step/go across/over; exceed
diffido, diffidere, diffisus sum
distrust; despair (of) (w/DAT) (semi-deponent)
adolesco, adolescere, adolevi/adolui, adultus
grow up, mature, reach adulthood; strengthen; increase;
descisco, desciscere, descivi, descitus
desert; revolt; degenerate; fall away
adiungo, adiungere, adiunxi, adiunctus
add, attach, join to
praemitto, praemittere, praemisi, praemissus
send ahead or forward
ludo, ludere, lusi, lusus
play, mock, trick
oppono, opponere, opposui, oppositus
oppose; place opposite; expose to
valesco, valescere, -, -
invado, invadere, invasi, invasus
enter; invade; take possession of; attack (with in +acc. or dat);
elanguesco, elanguescere, elangui, -
droop; slacken, relax
occurro, occurrere, occ(uc)urri, occursus
run to meet; oppose; come to mind (with DAT)
refringo, refringere, refregi, refractus
break open;
ruo, ruere, rui, rutus
collapse, fall; destroy, overthrow; rush (in/on)
inruo, inruere, inrui, inrutus
hurry/rush into; attack; invade
resisto, resistere, restiti, -
halt; remain; resist, oppose
sisto, sistere, stiti, status
set up; stand; stand firm
praepono, praeponere, praeposui, praepositus
place in command/before; put X (ACC) in front of Y (DAT);
strepo, strepere, strepui, strepitus
make a loud noise; resound;
adfluo, adfluere, adfluxi, adfluxus
flow to/towards/in; throng; abound;
protendo, protendere, protendi, protensus
stretch out; hold out
accendo, accendere, accendi, accensus
set on fire; illuminate; inflame
crebresco, crebrescere, crebrui, -
become widespread, strengthen;