mitis mitis
soft, gentle
mortalis mortale
mortal, human, transient
perennis perenne
through the year(s), enduring
senilis senilis
aged, of old age, of an old man
tenuis tenue
thin, fine, slight
turpis turpe
ugly, shameful, disgraceful
velox velocis
swift, quick
dulcis dulce
sweet, pleasant
sublimis sublime
on high, lofty
mortalis mortale
mortal, human
praeceps praecipitis
headlong, rushing
supplex, supplicis
begging, as a suppliant
fallax fallacis
deceitful, deceptive
lenis lene
agrestis agreste
of the countryside
virilis is e
manly, virile; mature;
muliebris is e
feminine, womanly; effeminate;
vulgaris is e
usual, commonplace, of the common people
stabilis is e
stable; steadfast
singularis is e
alone, unique; one by one; remarkable
instans instantis
eager; urgent; present
minax minacis
threatening; boding ill;
segnis is e
slow, sluggish
patiens patientis
patient; tolerant; submissive/subsceptible to; hardy
fugax fugacis
flying swiftly; swift; transitory;