3B - The Medieval Church: Its Protectors and Contributions Flashcards
Pepin’s son ______ would succeed his father as King of the Franks
Charlemagne, or Charles the Great
Charlemagne was believed to be largely illiterate, however
he surrounded himself with learned men, encouraged the creation of books, and took a keen interest in ecumenical debates going on in other parts of Europe.
charlemagne spent considerable effort as well on the construction of a ______where he could hear Mass in the most luxurious setting he could envision for himself and his family. The chapel would come to house an impressive collection of relics, reportedly including the loincloth worn by Christ on the cross, the Virgin Mary’s cloak and the swaddling clothes worn by the infant Jesus.
royal chapel at Aachen
Charlemagne was ________ than Pepin III and expanded his territory greatly.
an even more powerful king
when Charlemagne conquered the pagan Saxons during their continuous border wars with the Franks,
he gave them the ultimatum of conversion to Christianity or death.
–Charlemagne believed that the imposition of Christian values upon the Saxons might diminish their constant fighting with his own peoples
what did Charlemagne force onto the saxons
He forced the Saxons to pay tithes to the sees (the territories of the bishops) that he founded in their lands,
- banned sacrifices to pagan gods,
- and began to educate young Saxons within his kingdom to ensure they were raised Christian.
- -provoked raids by his enemies but Charlemagne appears to have been a resilient military commander
- -By the start of the 9th century, he had actually managed to control most of Western Europe; something no previous ruler had done since the time of the ancient Roman emperors.
charlamagnes biographer
He did eventually manage to completely subdue the Saxons and even came to the Pope’s aid when the city of Rome was under threat from the Lombards. It was this latter act that contributed to Pope Leo III’s decision to crown and anoint Charlemagne in the city of Rome as an ‘_______’ on Christmas Day in the year 800 CE.
This royal title that had not been used in the West since the 5th century when the Roman Empire in the West collapsed. There was one small difference however: Charlemagne would be crowned Emperor of the ‘Holy Roman Empire’ – indicating that this re-birth of an empire in the West was not like the ancient pagan one, but rather, a new holy Christian one.
How did those in the east feel about Charlemagne being named holy roman emperor
- did not support this papal decision
- -he East had still been able to preserve the role of Emperor due to its economic, political and cultural strength. The Byzantine Empress Irene, ruling at the time in place of her son, felt that the title should rightly go to her or her son because they held the title in the East
how had Irene supported the pope previously
Irene had supported the Pope in the past, particularly in regards to an ongoing debate
between several Western and Eastern bishops. The debate in
question was about the use of religious images in churches.
Before Irene, Iconoclasm, or the destruction of heretical
images, had been supported by Eastern Emperors and some of
their bishops who felt that the commandment not to worship
idols was being broken through displaying religious art. T
–(Pope in Rome disagreed, believing that religious art was
inspirational and not idol-worship. Irene also agreed and
reversed the decision not to have images or statues in
Rulers like Charlemagne, who conceived of their roles as being divinely sanctioned, … give an example
eventually started to question the need for papal authority. Charlemagne felt that, because he was now an emperor, he no longer needed papal validation for his heir. He encouraged his only son, Louis, to crown himself Emperor in 813 CE without the presence or involvement of Pope Leo III.
—At the end of his life, Charlemagne had reached such a high level of popularity and military strength that the pope dared not object.
lay investiture,
the laity (non-clergy people) instead of the pope were investing (appointing) individuals as bishops or abbots.
-ings and local lords often invested their own courtiers and nobles for reasons other than true religious vocation, such as for salary, lands or the assurance of support. This meant secular appointments were often not the most suitable candidates for spiritual roles. Recognizing how lay investiture both undermined papal authority and the faith that congregations had in their local clergy, Pope Gregory VII eventually halted this practice in 1073, but not without a power-struggle.
The _____-, founded by St. Bernard at Clairvaux, encouraged monks to envision courtly concepts within their vows.
Cistercian order
Franciscans, so named for their following of ________, did what
St. Francis of Assisi;
-chose to become beggars and dwelt in saintly poverty.
Greek for God-bearer, (Mary, Mother of god)
- here had been numerous debates about the appropriateness of officially naming Mary the Mother of God because doing so affected the understanding of Jesus within the Trinity.
- it was decided in the mid-5th century to bestow upon her the title of Mother of God
Immaculate Conception.
This term refers to Mary’s own birth (not the birth of Jesus), and is understood to mean that she was conceived by her human parents without the taint of sexual sin that was traditionally ascribed to all humanity. However, although the Virgin Mary is considered without equal amongst women and described as ‘The Queen of Heaven’, it is important to note that one of the outcomes of the Second Council at Nicaea was to confirm that reverence, not worship, should be given to Mary and all the saints, reserving worship for God alone