3A - The Collapse of the Roman Empire Flashcards
white martyrdom
Jesus and the apostles admired celibacy, led many to test their faith through solitary living, sometimes called white martyrdombecause it was considered to be martyring or giving your life to Christ without the shedding of blood. Living a solitary existence, as a hermit, was a difficult endeavor–food, shelter and safety were all uncertain
first christian hermit
St. Anthony of Egypt
St. Anthony of Egypt
St. Anthony decided to take up solitary living in accordance with his literal interpretation of Jesus’ advice:
- Anthony gave away all of his possessions to the poor,
- placed his sister in the care of a group of virgins,
- -and moved to increasingly desolate locations. It is said that Anthony’s dedication to his faith, prayer and simple living was even tested through the temptations of devils
significance of st anthony
whilehewastrying to live as a hermit, many people came to visit St. Anthony to learn his wisdom;
- these visits initiated one of the earliest communities of individuals living a common life in the service of God.
- The Lifeof St. Anthonywritten by Bishop (St.) Athanasius of Alexandria is the earliest example of biographical writing about Christian hermits that has survived, and it is useful because it describes how communities of nuns, monks and hermits began
Communities could either live in isolation, meeting occasionally for worship, or live together in a common house, in accordance with a shared schedule. Whatever the size of the community, it was quickly recognized that when a group came together, they needed an_________
bbot (for male communities) – from the Aramaic word, abba, for father – or an abbess (for female communities) to oversee worship and lead, as well as to set rules for the community. They guided the community of monks or nuns: religious people who had taken on solemn vows such as poverty and obedience, and who could even go on to take on more vows and positions in Holy Orders.
Religious communities living in monasteries or abbeys usually determined their own set of rules until the common-sense rules of St. Basil of Caesarea in Asia Minor and St. Benedict of Nursia (or Monte Cassino) in Italy were popularized in the east and west respectively – What concepts can be attributed to them?
he concepts of hospitals, orphanages and care homes for the homeless or elderly can be attributed to these communities w
. Most often religious communities earned their living through copying books and educating children – work, prayers, and dedication to the group were fundamental parts of their daily routine. – critical for our knowledge in modern day
The firstbarbariantribe to enter Roman Empire w
ere the Franks around 250 CE.
what happened when the franks entered the roman empire
he Romans granted the Franks substantial farming lands in what is present day France in order to stop their ongoing plunder and destruction of Roman cities.
(However, the Franks were not to be the only invading tribe. The 4th century saw many other tribes pushing west and south into the Roman Empire.)
the east had financial means to hire mercenaries or pay ff invaders - the west did not — what was the first great blow to the west in 410 CE
the city of Rome fell to a tribe called the Visigoths
- Some attributed their misfortune to corruption or God’s wrath for their lack of faith, while others wondered whether they had chosen the right gods to believe in
- The final blow came in 476 CE, when the barbarian chief Odoacer led a revolt of Gothic tribes and deposed Romulus augustulus
- although Odoacer declared himself King of Italy, he would soon be killed by a rival barbarian chief, Theodoric the Great
The last Roman province in the West to fall was Africa and it was there that St. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, provided an explanation for the world turning upside down
St. Augustine of Hippo
St Augustine of Hippo
- Chose a life of leisure
- eventually decides more to life than pleasure
- Met St Ambrose of Milan
- -was baptized
- -augustine felt remorse, spread christianity, was named bishop of hippo
- Stands at juncture of pagan classical roman age and start of christian Middle Ages
- wrote the confessions, explain how traditional philosophical ideas from well-known figures such as Aristotle and Plato could fit into a philosophy of Jesus.
St. Augustine wrote in his book City of God
hat the material world is imperfect and that all societies will fall. He encouraged Christians to look towards the heavenly kingdom of God because no early kingdom or society will outlast it.
-His words brought comfort to many Christians during the uncertain times ahead. St. Augustine died in 430 CE, the year his city, Hippo, fell to the Vandals tribe.
The tribes settling within the former Western Empire brought
feudal systemith them their own values and customs. Instead of requiring allegiance to the state, many of the Germanic tribal peoples swore fealty to their lord or chief, usually an accomplished military leader and often a hereditary king. Thus, society in the West was starting to change, away from the unified system under an emperor, and into divided small kingdoms under local rulers.
n return for their lord’s protection and a share in plunder, individuals were required to swear an oath of allegiance and to fight for their lord’s causes. Security was based on this relationship and fealty between kin groups ensured that families would seek revenge for any wrongdoing. Bloody feuds were very common. This structure would later become the basis for the societal __________ that characterized the Middle Ages.
feudal system
under the feudal system When the Empire collapsed in the West, large cities and towns often fell into ruin – who was growing in power during h=these times
the church