2B - The Arian Controversy Flashcards
Across the Roman Empire, early schools that were set up by Christians (since it was acceptable to teach or ask questions, when it was still illegal to pray publicly) often arranged debates with philosophers and leaders from other religions (or other schools of Christianity). The debates were called _______ in Greek, which means a defensive speech, although their purpose was to explain the truths of the Christian faith.
Christian teachers often sought to explain themselves using the concepts of Greek philosophy, inspired by the Logos or divine wisdom present in the world, others looked to Jewish texts, and others to Christ. This posed difficulties for the unity of the Church. Why?
teachers presented ideas that conflicted with those that the bishop taught.
One school of thought that became a great rival to mainstream Christianity came to be referred to
negatively as ‘________’, from the Greek “_____” meaning ‘_________’
Gnosticism, gnosis, knowledge
Gnostics believed that
philosophy contained special/secret knowledge of the universe that went beyond the Christian gospels and had a radically different idea of God and Satan.
explain the main ideas of gnostics - what did their ideals lead to
for Gnostics, humanity and all matter in the universe was polluted, created by evil,
–and only through special messengers and extreme deprivation could one return to the secret all-powerful God
- Many people in the Roman Empire (Christians included) were drawn to whoever was the most persuasive speaker, though like every teacher, each had their own ideas.
- Christian bishops grew concerned about the effect that some of these speakers were having upon their congregation’s core beliefs. It was this concern over competing religious and philosophical ideas that led bishops to work towards the development of a Creed (from Latin meaning ‘I believe’) or statements of faith so that everyone could clearly explain their beliefs.
What is a ‘creed’
from Latin meaning ‘I believe’) or statements of faith so that everyone could clearly explain their beliefs.
Another disruptive, heretical concept that led to the development of creeds was one spread by the presbyter ________.
- what did he say?
Arius of Alexandria - he said christ was inferior to god
Idk just read this shut bruh bruh
The Bishop of Alexandria condemned Arius’ teachings in concordance with the other Egyptian bishops, however, Arius fled to the city of Nicomedia where other Christians had developed similar ways of conceptualizing the relationship between the divine. It was made clear from this situation that the bishops’ authority was not consolidated. The Emperor Constantine chose to get involved to mediate disputes within the Church because extreme disorder was disruptive to the peace of the Empire. In 325 CE, the Emperor summoned bishops to his imperial residence at Nicaea.
Yerrrrr ya done know
Following the Arias disruption, what tasks did constantine’s council have
This Council had the task of reaffirming the united authority of the Christian bishops, settling the Arian controversy and agreeing upon the date of Easter (which was being celebrated on different dates by different communities). Between 200-300 bishops attended the Council at Nicaea to debate these issues.
What was the result constantines council meeting regarding arias
The determination to come to an agreement led to the creation of the Nicaean creed, which clearly stated that each person of the Trinity was homoousios, of one substance, but distinct. This creed also included a number of statements that confirmed Christ’s eternality and equality with God, confirming that he could not be created, altered, or made of lesser divinity. In other words, Jesus was both fully God but not the same as the Father or the Holy Spirit. This defined the mystery of the Trinity: one God in three persons.
Nicaean creed
each person of the Trinity was homoousios, of one substance but distinct
Of one substance but distinct
The Emperor Constantine also sought to ensure that disputes, like the Arian controversy, could be addressed through better order. Major cities in which there were multiple bishops, like Rome, Alexandria, Carthage and Antioch, were all appointed __________ who would do what?oversee all the other bishops in their geographical area.
Metropolitan Bishops
oversee all the other bishops in their geographical area.
Note: It was also confirmed that bishops were not allowed to move to other areas, being solely responsible for that area to which they were appointed.
Long answer: the 3 things that happened from contantines council
1) metropolitan bishops
2) if and how individuals who had lapsed or denied the Christian faith might rejoin the Church.
- - This structure was designed to provide the best possible support for both those in Holy Orders (priests, monks, nuns, bishops, etc.) and those people who they were serving.
3) Confirming the date of Easter
- The challenge was that in the East of the Roman Empire, Easter was still joined to the Jewish feast of Passover though it did not always allow for it to be celebrated on a Sunday.
- The Western bishops, such as the Bishop of Rome, celebrated Easter as the first full moon after the equinox.
- the Emperor Constantine showed his support for Rome to be the voice of authority within the Church while separating Christianity further from its Jewish roots.
Pagan Romans viewed their personal successes and failures as due to
he whims of a multitude of gods that toyed with their lives. Thesegods were to be kept appeased through regular offerings made at shrines within the home and in public shrines and temples; certain gods might be seen to watch over the emperor or state. If someone was sick or fell on difficult times due to injury, abandonment or the death of a loved one, it was seen as the gods’ punishment.
father in a pagan roman home
typical pagan beliefs in the afterlife were ______ as compared to Christianity.
limited ,
Within most pagan religious systems, the afterlife was uninspiring: one may become a servant in the ‘mansion’ of a particular deity and serve there until their memory faded out of existence. This contrasted greatly with the Christian promise of eternity in paradise with family and friend