1A:Jesus And The Early Church Flashcards
At the time that Jesus was born, the Jewish people _____
no longer ruled their own homeland.
After 334 BCE, Alexander the Great from Macedonia had ____________
conquered much of the eastern Mediterranean including Judea;
-later on this area became part of the Roman Empire following Greek military losses to the Romans after 146 BCE.
what happened when Alexander the great conquered an area
a city state was created to govern the locals, xposing them to Greek language, culture and customs that persisted under Roman rule
what is hellenism
the term for Greek culture
While Hellenism (the term for Greek culture) had originally not been forced upon the Jews, steps taken by Antiochus IV Epiphanes after 170 BCE _____
pushed for conformity and made Hellenism a civic duty
-note, logically, Jesus and his immediate community would have been exposed to Hellenistic ideas –even if nothing more than interacting with the neighbouring peoples of the Roman Empire.
Before and during the lifetime of Jesus, ______ was the religious andcultural centre of Jewish life.
Hebrew for god
what is the sabbath
he Sabbath was the seventh day of the week, which according to the Old Testament, God set aside as a holy day of rest
Before the Roman Empire controlled the area, Antiochus IV Epiphanes caused an uprising by doing what?
-what is celebrated at Hanukah?
when he outlawed observance of the Sabbath,
- circumcision of males according to Jewish law,
- ordered sacrifices be made to Zeus in the Temple.
TheJewishMaccabee familysoonled a revolt that ousted Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the ruling Seleucids from Judea, allowing the Temple to bereclaimed. It is the cleaning and rededication of the Temple that are still celebrated today in the Jewish feast of Hanukkah
The Maccabee’s were conquered by who and when?
-how was the new leadership distributed
in 63BC by Pompey
- power was redistributed among supporters of Rome
- -This arrangement had deteriorated by Jesus’ birth so that the region was divided into areas under governors or ‘client kings’ who maintained their status through Roman support.
The temple would end up being completely destroyed by who
Roman General Titus following an unsuccessful rebellion on the part of the Jewish community against Roman Empire rule
Annointed one in hebrew
“Chrstos” in Greek
One description described the messiah as a great military leader, and another as one who wold die and come back to life, as a result_______
t when Jesus was born it was not universally clear that he was the Messiah
According to the gospels of the New Testament (Matthew 1.18; Luke 1.26-38, 2.5-7), Jesus was conceived by the power of the ____ in the womb of his mother, ______
Holy Spirit, Mary
The angel Gabriel informed Mary that she would bear the Son of God and name him Jesus, while she remaineda virgin. This event is still celebrated in the Churchas ____
the Annunciation.
Mary was then promised to a carpenter from Nazareth, named ______, who was likewise informed by an angel of Mary’s pregnancy in order that he not consummate the marriagesexually.
Mary gave birth to Jesus in the town of ___; a small town 6 km from ___
Bethlehem, Jerusalem
The tradition is that Mary gave birth in a manger because there was no room at the inn, though some traditions relate that the birth occurred in a cave. This event is referred to as _____
the Nativity.
Jesusgrows up to bean______who gathered together a small band of disciples who were also observant Jews. In fact, virtually all of those attracted to Jesus and his message in his lifetime were Jewish –areligious and cultural minority in the Roman Empire (there were hundreds of differing religion and philosophies in the ancient empire)
itinerant Rabbi (a teacher)
His history in Christian scriptures outlines a number of miracles and events which gain him a growing number of people who were called ________ of Jesus–the term “Christian”will not be used until long after Jesus’ death.His movement was just one of several sects within Judaism
“Followers of the way”
In hisSermon on the Mountin particular, Jesus ______
outlined eight Beatitudes that would help people to live the Jewish law with greater love
He was also able to verify the authority given to him by God how? t
through his abilities to perform miracles and live as a man, though he was in essence part of the Trinity.
His charismatic and often miraculous teachings attracted a number of disciples that included both men and women. From these, Jesus chose 12working-class men to be his apostles and spread his message because he foretold that he would suffer and die, as had been related in the prophecies (Isaiah 53.12). ______ in particular was distinguished by Jesus to be the leader by the designation
how did Jesus ensue his teachings would be continued after died?
By naming a successor, Peter
- By creating customs/rituals that would represent his teachings
- –i.e baptism
what did the Passover meal traditionally commemorate?
commemoration of the last plague sent by God to force the Egyptians to release Israel (Exodus 12.12-13).The plague killed the firstborn of all humans and animals, sparing only Jewish households that had sacrificed a lamb and daubed its blood on the door to indicate to the Angel of Death to ‘Passover’
In transforming the wine and bread into his Body and Blood, Jesus transformed the Passover meal into a remembrance ritual, which is why it is known as ____
the Eucharist.
After his ______, Jesus also gave the apostles the power to forgive sins in his name through the sacraments of _____ & ________
-baptism and penance
briefly explain what lead to the crucifixion of Jesus, who was the governor who had Jesus prosecuted?
-The Sanhedrin, priestly ruling class, hated Jesus lack of education
-Teachers revered by whom they had studied under and Jesus lacked formal education.
Jesus’ claim that he was one with God –an aspect that the Jewish community found confusing without an understanding of the Trinity.
-The Sanhedrin complained to the Roman governor of Judaea, Pontius Pilate, and Pilate had Jesus prosecuted for treason for claiming that he was the King of the Jews. His sentence was to be nailed to a cross until death, known as crucifixion.
The vision of Jesus that was granted to the apostlesfollowing his death confirmed his teachings and inspired the apostles to spread the‘_______’–the very definition of the term_______
Good news.
= gospel
Christians view Jesus’ death as an act of “____” The most common understanding is that, by dying on the cross, Jesus made it possible for those whobelieved in him to overcome the separation from God caused by sin and death
since Jesus was resurrected and his tomb found empty on a Sunday
-his followers changed the day of worship to that Sunday instead of Saturday
Sunday, or dies solis, had been the day to celebrate the Roman’s pagan Sun God and Jesus’ early followers saw no issue with conceiving of Jesus ’resurrection as the light of the world.
-n fact, since none of the gospels recorded the actual nativity of Jesus, his birth was chosen to align with that of the Sun’s festival on December 25, still celebrated on that day for over 2000 years as Christmas.
an initiation into the faith using water
the act of reconciliation, to repent one’s transgressions or sins)
a professionof faith at a time of entering adulthood
a communalbread & wineceremony with roots in Passover
Annointing of the Sick
blessingthose who are ill or dying
Holy Orders
becoming a clergy-person, such as priest, monk, or nun
the union of a couple in marriage and start of a family
Unlike the Jewish faith, the early Church did not _____
follow a hereditary priesthood
. It ordained priests and bishops to be leaders as Jesus did Peter and the apostles. According to the Roman Catholic tradition, Jesus gave those in the hierarchy of the Church an authority to teach on a variety of issues related to salvation. All Catholic leaders since follow in the lineage of St. Peter and the apostles in being called by Jesus to act as pastors to their community. This is a feature of Catholicism and many other (but not all) Christian groups today: Apostolic Succession
apostolic Succession–
the belief that Jesus entrusted the power to teach and perform the sacraments to his original apostles, who in turn passed that authority down to the next leaders of the Church, who in turn did the same, generation after generation; creating an unbroken line of ministers that can be traced back to the source of holy authority.
four marks of the Church
one, Catholic, holy and apostolic
WH/what is the pope
the bishop ofrome – traces itself back to Peter