3B Mystical Experience Flashcards
What is the name of William James’ book regarding mystical experience? What is significant about it?
- ‘Varieties of Religious Experience’
* One of the most significant and influential studies of r. of the 20th century
What are James’ four characteristics of r.e.?
- “Ineffability”
- “Noetic Quality”
- “Transiency”
- “Passivity”
Explain James’ characteristic of ineffability.
- “No adequate report of its contents can be given in words”
- “Cannot be imparted or transferred to others”
- “More like states of feeling than states of intellect”
- So profound that mundane lang. cannot express it; Vardy compared this to being in love
- Just ∵ it cannot be proved does not detract from its value
Explain James’ characteristic of noetic quality.
- “States of higher knowledge and insight”
- “Illuminations, revelations, full of significance and importance”
- “curious sense of authority for after-time”
Explain James’ characteristic of transiency.
- “Cannot be sustained for long”
- “But when they recur it is recognised [as an] inner richness and importance”
- May be very intense + have long-lasting consequences
Explain James’ characteristic of passivity.
- “Feels as if his own will were in abeyance…held by a superior power”
- “Alternative personality…prophetic speech, automatic writing…mediumistic trance”
- “Some memory of their content always remains and a profound sense of their importance”
- The moment is governed by an external being or force
What are James’ four conclusions?
- The world is part of something bigger and spiritual
- Union with the spiritual = ultimate purpose for r. ppl.
- Prayer creates real effects for some
- Ppl. want peace and security
What did Rudolf Otto focus on?
• The ‘feelings’ of the recipient; the subjective aspect
What three things did Otto draw upon when studying?
- History of r.
- Anthropology
- Naturalism
What is Otto’s idea of the numinous?
- An expression of r. awe and wonder in the presence of a supernatural divine power
- Sets apart any ethical/moral connotations of ‘holy’
What did Otto say about human existence?
- Sig. dimension of human exis. that yearns for the ‘non-rational’ - i.e. cannot be explained by non-empirical means
- He was not stating that the exp.s of the numinous were irrational, implying a lack of sanity/sensibility/stability
- Rather, it is entirely stable as an exp., just not definable in rational terms
- Part of our non-rational nature is to seek the numinous
What does Otto outline in chapter 4 of ‘The Idea of the Holy’?
- Numinous exp. = “The deepest and most fundamental element in all strong and sincerely felt religious emotion.”
- It has a profound effect, only describable by the Latin expression, “Mysterium tremendum et fascinans” (awe-inspiring mystery)
- “[pervades] the mind with a tranquil mood of deepest worship”
- “May pass over into a more set and lasting attitude of the soul…until it dies away and the soul resumes its profane…mood of everyday experience”
Explain Mysterium tremendum et fascinans.
- As mysterium, the numinous is “wholly other” - entirely different from anything we experience in ordinary life. It evokes a reaction of silence.
- But the numinous is also a mysterium tremendum. It provokes terror because it presents itself as overwhelming power.
- Finally, the numinous presents itself as fascinans, as merciful and gracious.