3.5 Flashcards
This can be used for communicating with nose in the same link and is similar to an auto configured API PA address in IPV4
Link local address
Similar to loopback address in IPV for this can be used to test that an interface and supporting protocol stack or function properly with IP V6
Loopback address
This ID which can be used to identify segments of a large corporate net worth is comprised of 16 bits from the global address
Subnet ID
This delivers packages to haul nodes in a target in multicast group
Multicast address
Identifies multiple destinations with package delivered to the closest destination
Any cast address
Interestingly enough to the way switches learn Mac addresses of connected devices multicast and caused traffic congestion called
Multicast flooding
Do you prevent multicast flooding a switch that must handle multicast traffic should have ———— snooping enabled on it
This is a network layer protocol used to manage multitasker memberships and direct multicast traffic to the correct devices
You can use this command to view IPV for an IPv6 addresses assign to wall network connections on a computer
IPV six address is designed so that computer can auto configure its own link local IP address without the help of a DHCP version six server this process is called
Slacc Stateless address auto configuration
The Slacc step process Includes
The computer creates a IPV6 address with 64 bits are randomly generated and 64 better generated from the networks adapters MAC address
The computer checks to make sure it’s IP address is unique on the network
The computer S a router or the Netwerk can Brian configuration information
Hey port number is assigned to a ————-such as an application or service that can receive data
A – – – – – consists of both A host IP address and a process is TCPUDP port
When the host receives request to communicate on TCP port 23 establishes or open a
Session via