3.4 The Cell Interior Flashcards
network of protein filaments and cylinders that structurally support a cell, determine its shape, organize its contents, direct the movement of materials within the cell, and contribute to movements of the cell as a whole
6-nm-thick structures made of actin that are located throughout the cell and concentrated in the terminal web (membrane skeleton)
intermediate filaments
thick and stiff structures that give the cell its shape, resist stress, and participate in junctions that attach cells to their neighbors
cylinders made of 13 parallel protofilaments
long chain of globular proteins called tubulin
the area of the cell from which microtubules radiate
internal structures of a cell that carry out specialized metabolic tasks
the largest organelle, which contains the cell’s chromosomes and is the genetic control center of cellular activity
nuclear envelope
a pair of membranes enclosing the nucleus of a cell, with prominent pores allowing traffic of molecules between the nucleoplasm and cytoplasm
nuclear pore complex
ring of proteins that regulate molecular traffic through the nuclear envelope and hold its two membrane layers together
nuclear lamina
narrow but densely fibrous zone inside the nuclear envelope composed of a web of intermediate filaments
the material in the nucleus, including chromatin and nucleoli
dark-staining masses where ribosomes are produced
endoplasmic reticulum
an extensive system of interconnected cytoplasmic tubules or channels
fluid-filled spaces or sacs
small granules of protein and RNA found in the nucleoli, in the cytosol, and on the outer surfaces of the rough eR and nuclear envelope
Golgi complex
small system of cisternae that synthesize carbohydrates and put the finishing touches on protein and glycoprotein synthesis
Golgi vesicle
membrane-bounded vesicle pinched from the Golgi complex, containing its chemical product
secretory vesicle
vesicles that store a cell product, such as breast milk or digestive enzymes, for later release
a package of enzymes bounded by a membrane produced by the Golgi complex
digestion and disposal of surplus or nonvital organelles and other cell components in order to recycle their nutrients to more important cell needs
digestion of cells by their own internal enzymes
a package of enzymes produced by the endoplasmic reticulum
an enzyme that breaks the excess from hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water after oxidization
hollow, cylindrical complexes of proteins located in both the cytoplasm and nucleus
organelles specialized for synthesizing ATP
folds in the inner membrane of mitochondria
space between the cristae containing ribosomes
short, cylindrical assembly of microtubules, arranged in nine groups of three microtubules each
any visible object in the cytoplasm other than an organelle or cytoplasmic element, e.g. accumulated cell products or foreign bodies