3.4 - Mechanics of Muscle Contraction & Body Movement Flashcards
Compared to slow twitch fibres, fast twitch fibers can generate more or less tension?
More tension
What factors influence tension exerted by a muscle during a single twitch?
- muscle type (slow twitch vs. fast twitch)
- sarcomere length at the start of contraction
What is the sarcomere length determined by?
the degree of overlap between thick and thin filaments
What happens if there is too little overlap?
- few cross-bridges
- little force can be generated
What happens if there is too much overlap?
- actin filaments interfere with each other
- less force generated
What happens if there is way too much overlap?
- thick filaments collide with Z disk
- force rapidly decreases
A single twitch represents the maximum force a muscle fibre can produce
The force of a muscle fibre can be increased by ___
increasing the rate of action potentials firing to stimulate the fibre
What is summation? When does it happen?
- increase in force generated by a muscle
- Due to repeated stimulation from action potentials before muscle has fully relaxed
What is tetanus?
state of a muscle when it reaches maximum force of contraction
Define incomplete/unfused tetanus
- slow stimulation rate
- muscle fibre relaxes slightly b/w stimuli
Define complete/fused tetanus
- fast stimulation rate
- muscle fibre does not have time to relax b/w stimuli
What is a motor unit?
basic unit of contraction in an intact skeletal muscle
A motor unit is composed of:
- group of muscle fibres
- the somatic motor neuron that controls them
In a single motor unit, muscle fibres can be of both fast-twitch and slow-twitch muscle fibre types.
All muscle fibres of a single motor unit are of the same muscle fibre type; either fast-twitch or slow-twitch